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Report on Oasis v. West (8th Cir) 3/10/97 Oral Arugment

To AALP Members:

From: Russ Armstrong, Geronimo Development Corp., Publisher CD-ROM of Virginia Law

     I attended the hearing in Oasis v. West in the Federal Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit this morning. I took notes as fast as I could, and my report follows. Though I hesitate to predict what a court might decide, from the tenor of the questions, it appeared to me that this court is looking to overrule the lower court. I believe they are concerned about finding a way to distinguish Oasis from Mead v. West, and I think they might try to use the unique situation of West being the official publisher for Florida to do so.

     The spectator section of the courtroom was divided like the families at a shotgun wedding; West kinfolk on the right side and Oasis on the left. Dwight Opperman was there (but he left when Mr. Rojas rose in rebuttal). I could not identify any other West personnel. A woman was heard to say, before the case was called as she was chatting with other West personnel, "copyists," with some emphasis.

     Both principals of Oasis were there, along with four attorneys, including a Mr. Mikelson from the Department of Justice. (!) Mr. Rojas, who argued the case in the lower court, appeared for Oasis, and Mr. Musilek appeared for West, along with co-counsel.

     Oasis, appellant, went first, and Mr. Rojas reserved four minutes for Mr. Mikelson's presentation, along with time for rebuttal. He began by noting that this case is governed by Feist. He emphasized that Oasis would be producing a CD-Rom product which would have the same page numbers as the West volumes, but which would not contain the same arrangement. He explained that when the data is recorded on a CD the arrangement is entirely different; that it cannot even be deciphered without the aid of a program. He gave the example of an audio CD, noting how the user could play back tunes in any order. He noted that the users of the Oasis disk could, if they wished, retrieve cases from the database and place them in the same arrangement as West had used, but repeated that they were not stored on the disk in that arrangement.

     Mr. Rojas said this led to the question of whether pagination could be an original element, subject to copyright. He said the court needn't look beyond the 8th Circuit for the answer, citing the Toro case, in which part numbers that had been generated by a machine (a computer or word processor) were held to be insufficiently original to be copyrightable.

     Mr. Rojas then noted that West says that pagination "reflects" the arrangement of the cases, that the arrangement is copyrightable, and for that reason, the page numbers are protected.

     A judge asked what was the "arrangement" upon which West claimed a copyright. Mr. Rojas explained that certain cases appear in their books ahead of other cases, for instance, those cases for which there are headnotes. However, he noted that Oasis was not arguing whether the arrangement was sufficiently original to be copyrightable, emphasizing that the CD which Oasis would produce does not or would not copy that arrangement.

     Mr. Rojas argued that pagination is a system (a "system" is not copyrightable under the federal copyright statute). He noted that the only value of the page numbers is to locate text, without which, the reader would need to thumb through the volume. He stressed that the page numbers do not provide the kind of information that is provided by the arrangement; i.e., the page number does not tell you whether it is a criminal case, whether it has headnotes, etc. -- that is the kind of information conveyed by the arrangement.

     One of the judges asked "What about Mead?" (which is precedent in the 8th Circuit). Mr. Rojas explained that Mead was decided before Feist. He cited the HyperLaw / Matthew-Bender action before Judge Martin in the Southern District of New York as questioning Mead in light of Feist, and mentioned Judge Friedman's questioning of the continued viability of Mead in his opinion and hearings in the Antitrust action in the District Court for the District of Columbia.

     The judge asked if the panel would have to say that Feist overruled Mead. Mr. Rojas said no - because in Mead, the court itself had said that the decision was "tentative," as it was on a petition for a temporary injuction, and that the strong dissent in Mead by judge Oliver noted that there was no evidence in the record as to how the page numbers were generated. Here, by contrast, there was ample evidence, and it showed that the page numbers were mechanically generated. Mr. Rojas repeated the point that numbering is simply a system, and systems are not copyrightable. He noted that Shepard's uses the West citation system, Courts require that it be used, and the Blue Book cites to it. Mr. Rojas said that if there were no system for accessing the law, there would be First Amendment problems (maybe taking a clue from the Patterson amicus brief submitted on behalf of the American Association of Legal Publishers?).

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