11/29/96 HyperLaw, Inc.®

Docket -- USA v. Thomson, 96 CV 1415, USDC District of Columbia

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PACER session date: Friday November 29, 1996 11:08:36 AM EST 
Case docket was last updated on: 11/20/96.
Docket as of November 20, 1996 9:54 pm               Page 1   

Proceedings include all events.
1:96cv1415    USA v. THOMSON CORPORATION, et al                          TYPE A
                                                            TYPE A APPEAL
                       U.S. District Court
             USDC District of Columbia (Washington)

               CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 96-CV-1415

USA v. THOMSON CORPORATION, et al                           Filed: 06/19/96
Assigned to: Judge Paul L. Friedman
Demand: $0,000                               Nature of Suit:  410
Lead Docket: None                            Jurisdiction: US Plaintiff
Dkt# in other court: None

Cause: 15:25 Clayton Act
Case type: 1. civil 2. null                          

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA          Keith Stuart Blair
     plaintiff                    (202) 305-4491
                                  Suite 4000
                                  [COR LD NTC gvt]
                                  U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE
                                  Anti-Trust Division, Civil Task
                                  1401 H Street, NW
                                  Washington, DC 20001

                                  Craig W. Conrath
                                  (202) 307-5779
                                  Suite 4800
                                  [COR LD NTC gvt]
                                  DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE
                                  Antitrust Division
                                  Washington, DC 20530

STATE OF CALIFORNIA, by and       Keith Stuart Blair
through its Attorney General      (See above)
Daniel E. Lungren                 [COR LD NTC gvt]

STATE OF CONNECTICUT, by and      Keith Stuart Blair
through its Attorney General      (See above)
Richard Blumenthal                [COR LD NTC gvt]

STATE OF ILLINOIS, by and         Keith Stuart Blair
through its Attorney General      (See above)
Jim Ryan                          [COR LD NTC gvt]

Docket as of November 20, 1996 9:54 pm               Page 2   

Proceedings include all events.
1:96cv1415    USA v. THOMSON CORPORATION, et al                          TYPE A
by and through its Attorney       (See above)
General Scott Harshbarger         [COR LD NTC gvt]

STATE OF NEW YORK, by and         Keith Stuart Blair
through its Attorney General      (See above)
Dennis C. Vacco                   [COR LD NTC gvt]

STATE OF WASHINGTON, by and       Keith Stuart Blair
through its Attorney General      (See above)
Christine O. Gregoire             [COR LD NTC gvt]

STATE OF WISCONSIN, by and        Keith Stuart Blair
through its Attorney General      (See above)
James E. Doyle, Jr.               [COR LD NTC gvt]


THOMSON CORPORATION               Wayne D. Collins
     defendant                    (212) 848-4127
                                  [COR LD NTC ret]
                                  SHEARMAN & STERLING
                                  Citicorp Center
                                  153 East 53rd Street
                                  New York, NY 10022

WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY           Wayne D. Collins
     defendant                    (See above)
                                  [COR LD NTC ret]

                                  James E. Schatz
                                  (202) 789-3970
                                  East Tower, Suite 65
                                  [COR LD NTC phv]
                                  SCHATZ, PAQUIN, LOCKRIDGE,
                                  GRINDAL & HOLSTEIN
                                  1301 K Street, NW
                                  Washington, DC 20005



Docket as of November 20, 1996 9:54 pm               Page 3   

Proceedings include all events.
1:96cv1415    USA v. THOMSON CORPORATION, et al                          TYPE A


TAX ANALYSTS                      Constance Michel Spheeris
     movant                       (703) 533-4400
                                  [COR LD NTC ret]
                                  6830 North Fairfax Drive
                                  Arlington, VA 22213


LEXIS-NEXIS                       Gary Leland Reback
     amicus                       (415) 493-9300
                                  Suite 900
                                  [COR LD NTC ret]
                                  WILSON, SONSINI, GOODRICH &
                                  650 Page Mill Road
                                  Palo Alto, CA 94304





Docket as of November 20, 1996 9:54 pm               Page 4   

Proceedings include all events.
1:96cv1415    USA v. THOMSON CORPORATION, et al                          TYPE A
6/19/96  1       COMPLAINT filed by plaintiff USA, plaintiff STATE OF
                 CALIFORNIA, plaintiff STATE OF CONNECTICUT, plaintiff STATE
                 OF ILLINOIS, plaintiff COMMONWEALTH OF MASS, plaintiff
                 STATE OF NEW YORK, plaintiff STATE OF WASHINGTON, plaintiff
                 STATE OF WISCONSIN (jmf) [Entry date 06/20/96]

6/19/96  --      SUMMONS NOT ISSUED. (jmf) [Entry date 06/20/96]

6/19/96  2       MOTION filed by plaintiffs' for entry of stipulation and
                 order to permit the defendants to consummate their
                 transaction (jmf) [Entry date 06/20/96]

6/19/96  3       STIPULATION AND ORDER by Judge Ricardo M. Urbina for Judge
                 Charles R. Richey : the parties stipulate that a Final
                 Judgment in the form hereto attached may be filed and
                 entered by the Court, upon the motion of any party or upon
                 the Court's own motion, at any time after compliance with
                 the requirements of the Antitrust Procedures and Penalties
                 Act and without further notice to any party or other
                 proceedings, provided that plaintiffs have not withdrawn
                 their consent, which they may do at any time before the
                 entry of the proposed Final Judgment by serving notice
                 thereof on defendants and by filing that notice with the
                 Court; Attachment (1) (N) [see stipulation and order for
                 details] (dbw) [Entry date 06/20/96]

6/20/96  --      MAILED CJRA brochure, Meet and Confer list, and Notice
                 regarding dismissal to plaintiff USA, plaintiff STATE OF
                 CALIFORNIA, plaintiff STATE OF CONNECTICUT, plaintiff STATE
                 OF ILLINOIS, plaintiff COMMONWEALTH OF MASS, plaintiff
                 STATE OF NEW YORK, plaintiff STATE OF WASHINGTON, plaintiff
                 STATE OF WISCONSIN . (jmf)

6/20/96  4       ORDER by Judge Charles R. Richey : status hearing set for
                 2:00 6/25/96; directing Clerk of Court to notify parties
                 immediately of contents of this order (N) (dbw)
                 [Entry date 06/21/96]

6/25/96  --      STATUS HEARING  before Judge Charles R. Richey  :  hearing
                 set for 10:00 9/30/96; order to be entered Reporter: Laura
                 Beasley (dbw)

6/25/96  5       ORDER by Judge Charles R. Richey : government shall
                 publish proposed final judgment and competitive impact
                 statement ifn Federal Register and in newspapers by 7/11/96;
                  government shall publish and file with Court any comments
                 and responses by 4:00 9/23/96 and shall file any motion for
                 entry of proposed final judgment by that time; hearing
                 set for 10:00 9/30/96 to determine whether entry of
                 proposed final judgment is in the public interest (N) (dbw)

6/25/96  6       NOTICE OF FILING by plaintiff of competitive impact
                 statement (jmf) [Entry date 06/26/96]

Docket as of November 20, 1996 9:54 pm               Page 5   

Proceedings include all events.
1:96cv1415    USA v. THOMSON CORPORATION, et al                          TYPE A
7/25/96  7       MOTION filed for TAX ANALYSTS to intervene (jmf)
                 [Entry date 07/26/96]

7/31/96  8       MEMORANDUM OPINION  by Judge Charles R. Richey   (N) (dbw)

7/31/96  9       ORDER by Judge Charles R. Richey : denying motion for TAX
                 ANALYSTS to intervene [7-1]; denying motion by TAX
                 ANALYSTS for leave to participate as an amicus curiae;
                 directing Clerk of Court to contact counsel for the parties
                 and counsel for movant by telephone and inform them of
                 contents of this Order (N) (dbw)

9/3/96   10      ORDER by Judge Charles R. Richey  : Clerk of Court shall
                 make attached letter and enclosure part of the official
                 file in case; Clerk of Court shall forward copy of letter
                 and enclosure along with copy of this Order to counsel of
                 record; no one shall communicate with Court by telephone or
                 by letter regarding subject matter of this case;
                 Attachment: Letter from Sam L. Colville to Judge Charles R.
                 Richey, with enclosure (N) (dbw) [Entry date 09/04/96]

9/12/96  11      MOTION filed for Hyperlaw, Inc. to participate as Amicus
                 Curiae in opposition to entry of proposed final judgment;
                 exhibits (2) (jmf) [Entry date 09/13/96]

9/12/96  12      MOTION filed for LEXIS-NEXIS to intervene; exhibits (16)
                 (jmf) [Entry date 09/13/96]

9/13/96  13      ERRATA  by movant LEXIS-NEXIS of corrected set of
                 declarations in support of Lexis-Nexis' opposition to the
                 entry of the proposed final judgment; exhibits (15) (jmf)
                 [Entry date 09/17/96]

9/16/96  --      CASE REASSIGNED  from Judge Charles R. Richey to Judge Paul
                 L. Friedman (jmf) [Entry date 09/17/96]

9/18/96  14      ORDER by Judge Paul L. Friedman: all corporate parties and
                 potential intervenors who have already filed pleadings or
                 motions with the Court and failed to comply with Rule 109
                 of the Rules of this Court shall file the required Rule 109
                 certificates by 9/23/96; status conference set for 10:00
                 9/30/96 in Courtroom 17; the Court will decide the motions
                 to intervene in advance of the hearing. (N) (bm)

9/20/96  37      RULE 109 Certificate of disclosure of corporate
                 affiliations and financial interests by movant HYPERLAW,
                 INC. (ks) [Entry date 10/01/96]

9/23/96  15      RULE 109 Certificate of disclosure of corporate
                 affiliations and financial interests by movant TAX ANALYSTS
                 (ks) [Entry date 09/24/96]

Docket as of November 20, 1996 9:54 pm               Page 6   

Proceedings include all events.
1:96cv1415    USA v. THOMSON CORPORATION, et al                          TYPE A
9/23/96  16      RULE 109 Certificate of disclosure of corporate
                 affiliations and financial interests by defendant THOMSON
                 CORPORATION, defendant WEST PUBLISHING CO. (ks)
                 [Entry date 09/24/96]

9/23/96  17      MEMORANDUM  by plaintiff USA  in opposition to motion for
                 LEXIS-NEXIS to intervene [12-1], motion for Hyperlaw, Inc.
                 to participate as Amicus Curiae in opposition to entry of
                 proposed final judgment [11-1], motion for TAX ANALYSTS to
                 intervene [7-1] (ks) [Entry date 09/24/96]

9/23/96  19      NOTICE OF FILING by defendants of Description and
                 Certification of written or oral communications concerning
                 the proposed Final Judgment in this action. (ks)
                 [Entry date 09/25/96]

9/23/96  24      MEMORANDUM  by plaintiff in opposition to motion for
                 LEXIS-NEXIS to intervene [12-1] (ks) [Entry date 09/25/96]

9/23/96  25      MOTION filed by plaintiffs for entry of final judgment (ks)
                 [Entry date 09/25/96]

9/23/96  26      MEMORANDUM  by defendant THOMSON CORPORATION, defendant
                 WEST PUBLISHING CO.  in opposition to motion for
                 LEXIS-NEXIS to intervene [12-1]; Exhibits (3). (ks)
                 [Entry date 09/25/96]

9/23/96  27      MEMORANDUM  by defendant THOMSON CORPORATION, defendant
                 WEST PUBLISHING CO.  in support of motion for entry of
                 final judgment [25-1] by plaintiffs; Exhibits (3) (ks)
                 [Entry date 09/25/96]

9/23/96  43      RESPONSE by plaintiffs to public Comments; Exhibits (28)
                 (Bulky-on expandable folder) (ks) [Entry date 10/04/96]

9/24/96  18      ORDER  by Judge Charles R. Richey  : directing Clerk of
                 Court to make this Order and the attached letters a part of
                 the official files in the case; Attachments (3) (N) (dbw)
                 [Entry date 09/25/96]

9/24/96  20      RESPONSE by defendant THOMSON CORPORATION, defendant WEST
                 PUBLISHING CO. to Public Comments; Exhibits (6). (ks)
                 [Entry date 09/25/96]

Docket as of November 20, 1996 9:54 pm               Page 7   

Proceedings include all events.
1:96cv1415    USA v. THOMSON CORPORATION, et al                          TYPE A
9/25/96  21      MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER by Judge Paul L. Friedman:
                 denying motion for LEXIS-NEXIS to intervene [12-1];
                 granting the alterntive motion of Lexis-Nexis to appear as
                 amicus curiae and to participate in the hearing on 9/30/96;
                 granting motion for Hyperlaw, Inc. to participate as Amicus
                 Curiae in opposition to entry of proposed final judgment
                 [11-1]; HyperLaw will not be permitted to participate in
                 the 9/30/96 hearing; denying the motions of CD Law, Inc.,
                 Taxpayer Assets Project and Versus Law to participate as
                 amicus curiae; the parties and Lexis-Nexis shall meet and
                 confer by telephone and report to the Court in a joint
                 submission by 9/27/96 as to their recommendations on how
                 the hearing on 9/30/96 should be organized and conducted
                 and their proposed time limitations for each party and for
                 Lexis-Nexis; the Court will not hear live testimony at the
                 hearing; directing the Clerk of the Court promptly to
                 contact counsel for the United States (who shall, in turn,
                 contact counsel for the State plaintiffs), Thomson
                 Corporation, West Publishing Company, Lexis-Nexis and
                 HyperLaw to advise them of the contents of this Order and
                 to arrange for them to pick up copies of the Memorandum
                 Order and Order; in the future the original of all
                 documents in this case shall be filed in the Clerk's Office
                 and only courtesy copies shall be delivered to Chambers.
                 (N) (bm)

9/25/96  22      LETTER dated 9/23/96 to Mr. Lorence L. Kessler, Esquire
                 from Wayne D. Collins. "Let this be filed" (fiat) (bm)

9/25/96  23      REPLY  by movant LEXIS-NEXIS  to response to motion to
                 intervene or in the alternative to participate as amicus
                 curiae. (ks)

9/26/96  28      LETTER dated 9/23/96; to Judge Richey from James E. Schatz
                 "Let this be filed" (fiat) J. Friedman (bm)

9/27/96  29      ORDER by Judge Paul L. Friedman:  adopting the
                 recommendations of the parties for the 9/30/96 hearing as
                 to how the hearing shall proceed (including the order of
                 presentation), except that Lexis-Nexis shall be given 30
                 minutes rather than 15 minutes when it is its turn to
                 address the Court and 5 minutes for surrebuttal at the
                 conclusion of the hearing; as a result, the parties will be
                 given an additional 20 minutes beyond that proposed in the
                 recommendation to divide among them as they see fit;
                 counsel for the United States shall advise the Court at the
                 beginning of the hearing as to how the parties have decided
                 to divide this additional time. (N) (bm)

9/27/96  30      MOTION filed for HYPERLAW, INC. to file amicus brief;
                 Declaration (1); EXHIBIT (MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT)
                 (COUNSEL: Lorence L. Kessler, 1825 I Street, NW, Suite 400,
                 Washington, D.C.  20006) (ks) [Entry date 09/30/96]

Docket as of November 20, 1996 9:54 pm               Page 8   

Proceedings include all events.
1:96cv1415    USA v. THOMSON CORPORATION, et al                          TYPE A
9/27/96  32      MOTION filed by movant LEXIS-NEXIS for leave to file
                 supplemental brief (ks) [Entry date 10/01/96]

9/27/96  33      NOTICE OF FILING by movant LEXIS-NEXIS of portion of joint
                 submission as to 9/30/96 hearing; Attachment (1). (ks)
                 [Entry date 10/01/96]

9/27/96  34      NOTICE by plaintiff USA of recommendation of the parties
                 for 9/30/96 hearing. (ks) [Entry date 10/01/96]

9/27/96  35      MOTION filed by movant TAXPAYER ASSETS PROJECT for
                 reconsideration of order denying their motion to participate
                 as amicus curiae [21-1] (ks) [Entry date 10/01/96]
                 [Edit date 10/22/96]

9/30/96  --      HEARING  before Judge Paul L. Friedman: Oral motion of
                 Wayne Collins to allow James E. Schatz to proceed pro hac
                 vice; granted; Oral motion of Gary L. Reback to allow Susan
                 Creighton to proceed pro hac vice; granted.  Reporter:
                 Santa Zizzo (bm)

9/30/96  31      LETTER dated 9/27/96 to Judge Friedman from C. J. Hartmann
                 III; attachments (4). "Let this be filed" (fiat) (bm)
                 [Entry date 10/01/96]

9/30/96  36      MOTION filed by movant LEXIS-NEXIS for leave to file
                 Declarations of Law Librarians from universities of
                 Missouri and Montana and oregon State Supreme Court
                 Librarian in support of lewis-Nexis' opposition to entry of
                 proposed final judgment; EXHIBIT (DECLARATIONS) (ks)
                 [Entry date 10/01/96]

10/2/96  38      NOTICE OF FILING by amicus curiae LEXIS-NEXIS of 1991 Auto
                 Cite License Agreement and 1996 Amendment (FILED UNDER
                 SEAL) (ks) [Entry date 10/03/96]

10/3/96  39      MEMORANDUM  by defendant THOMSON CORPORATION, defendant
                 WEST PUBLISHING CO.  in opposition to motion for leave to
                 file supplemental brief [32-1] by LEXIS-NEXIS (ks)
                 [Entry date 10/04/96]

10/3/96  --      RESPONSE  by plaintiffs in opposition to motion for
                 reconsideration of order denying their motion to
                 participate as amicus curiae [21-1] [35-1] by TAX ANALYSTS
                 . (ks) [Entry date 10/04/96]

10/3/96  41      RESPONSE  by plaintiffs in opposition to motion for leave
                 to file Declarations of Law Librarians from universities of
                 Missouri and Montana and oregon State Supreme Court
                 Librarian in support of lewis-Nexis' opposition to entry of
                 proposed final judgment [36-1] by LEXIS-NEXIS . (ks)
                 [Entry date 10/04/96]

Docket as of November 20, 1996 9:54 pm               Page 9   

Proceedings include all events.
1:96cv1415    USA v. THOMSON CORPORATION, et al                          TYPE A
10/3/96  42      RESPONSE  by plaintiffs in opposition to motion for
                 HYPERLAW, INC. to file amicus brief [30-1] . (ks)
                 [Entry date 10/04/96]

10/4/96  45      REPLY  by movant LEXIS-NEXIS  to response to motion for
                 leave to file supplemental brief. (ks) [Entry date 10/10/96]

10/4/96  46      MOTION filed by movant TAX ANALYSTS for reconsideration of
                 order denying leave to participate as amicus curiae [21-1]
                 (ks) [Entry date 10/10/96]

10/9/96  44      ORDER  by Judge Paul L. Friedman  : granting motion for
                 leave to file Declarations of Law Librarians from
                 Universities of Missouri and Montana and Oregon State
                 Supreme Court Librarian [36-1] by LEXIS-NEXIS, denying
                 motion for reconsideration of order denying their motion to
                 participate as amicus curiae [21-1] [35-1] by TAX ANALYSTS,
                 granting in part and Denied in part motion for leave to
                 file a short supplemental brief on or before 4:00 p.m. on
                 10/16/96, with respect to the matters described in
                 paragraphs 1A and 4 of its motion, but it may not submit
                 anything supplemental with respect to the matters described
                 in paragraphs 1B, 1C, 2 and 3 [32-1] by LEXIS-NEXIS,
                 granting motion in part for HYPERLAW, INC. to file amicus
                 brief no later than 10/16/96 at 4:00 [30-1] further
                 ordered that plaintiffs and West/Thomson shall respond to
                 any supplemental briefs that are filed on or before 4:00
                 p.m. on 10/23/96.    (N) (ks) [Entry date 10/10/96]

10/15/96 47      MOTION filed for movant GERONIMO DEVELOPMENT to file
                 amicus brief; EXHIBIT (BRIEF) (Counsel: John Gagliano,
                 Cohen, Gettings 7 Dunham, P.C., 2200 Wilson Blvd., Suite
                 800, Arlington, VA. 22201, (703) 525-2260) (ks)
                 [Entry date 10/16/96]

10/15/96 48      RESPONSE  by plaintiffs in opposition to motion for
                 reconsideration of order denying leave to participate as
                 amicus curiae [21-1] [46-1] by TAX ANALYSTS . (ks)
                 [Entry date 10/16/96]

10/16/96 65      SUPPLEMENTAL MEMORANDUM  by amicus LEXIS-NEXIS  in
                 opposition to the entry of the Proposed Final Judgment;
                 Appendix; Declaration (1)  (DECLARATION OF RICHARD JACOBS
                 FILED UNDER SEAL) (ks) [Entry date 11/05/96]

10/18/96 49      AMICUS BRIEF filed by amicus HYPERLAW, INC. (corrected) (ks)
                 [Entry date 10/21/96]

10/21/96 50      TRANSCRIPT filed of hearing for date(s) of 9/30/96.
                 Reporter: Santa Zizzo (ks) [Entry date 10/22/96]

10/21/96 51      REPLY  by movant TAX ANALYSTS  to response to motion for
                 reconsideration of order denying leave to participate as
                 amicus curiae [21-1] [46-1] by TAX ANALYSTS (ks)

Docket as of November 20, 1996 9:54 pm               Page 10   

Proceedings include all events.
1:96cv1415    USA v. THOMSON CORPORATION, et al                          TYPE A
                 [Entry date 10/22/96]

10/23/96 52      MEMORANDUM  by defendant THOMSON CORPORATION, defendant
                 WEST PUBLISHING CO.  in opposition to LEXIS-NEXIS's
                 supplemental memorandum; Exhibit (1). (ks)
                 [Entry date 10/24/96]

10/23/96 53      MEMORANDUM  by defendant THOMSON CORPORATION, defendant
                 WEST PUBLISHING CO.  in opposition to motion for movant
                 GERONIMO DEVELOPMENT to file amicus brief [47-1] (ks)
                 [Entry date 10/24/96]

10/23/96 54      MEMORANDUM  by defendant THOMSON CORPORATION, defendant
                 WEST PUBLISHING CO.  in opposition to motion for HYPERLAW,
                 INC. to file amicus brief [30-1] (ks) [Entry date 10/24/96]

10/23/96 55      MEMORANDUM  by plaintiff in opposition to motion for movant
                 GERONIMO DEVELOPMENT to file amicus brief [47-1] (ks)
                 [Entry date 10/24/96]

10/23/96 56      RESPONSE by plaintiffs in opposition to Lexis-Nexis
                 supplemental brief and declarations filed with its
                 supplemental Memorandum in opposition to the entry of the
                 proposed final judgment. (ks) [Entry date 10/24/96]

10/23/96 57      RESPONSE  by plaintiffs  to HYPERLAW, INC.'s  amicus curiae
                 brief [49-1] by HYPERLAW, INC. (ks) [Entry date 10/24/96]

10/23/96 58      MOTION filed by plaintiffs for entry of the revised final
                 judgment (ks) [Entry date 10/24/96]

10/24/96 59      NOTICE OF APPEAL by amicus LEXIS-NEXIS  from order [21-1] ,
                 entered on: 9/25/96; $5.00 filing fee and $100.00 docketing
                 fee paid to U.S. Treasury; copies mailed to counsel of
                 record. (ks) [Entry date 10/25/96]

10/25/96 --      TRANSMITTED PRELIMINARY RECORD on appeal [59-1] by
                 LEXIS-NEXIS  to U.S. Court of Appeals (ks)

10/25/96 60      MOTION filed by movant TAX ANALYSTS for appointment of a
                 Special Master or for the taking of expert testimony (ks)
                 [Entry date 10/28/96]

10/30/96 61      LETTER dated 10/28/96 to Judge Friedman from Jeffrey B.
                 Pine, Attorney General, Rhode Island. "Let this be filed"
                 (Fiat) (N) (bm) [Entry date 10/31/96]

10/31/96 62      NOTICE by amicus LEXIS-NEXIS of ordering transcript. (ks)
                 [Entry date 11/01/96]

10/31/96 63      LETTER dated 10/31/96 to Judge Friedman from Attorney
                 General of Ohio Betty D. Montgomery "Let this be filed"
                 (fiat) (bm) [Entry date 11/04/96]

Docket as of November 20, 1996 9:54 pm               Page 11   

Proceedings include all events.
1:96cv1415    USA v. THOMSON CORPORATION, et al                          TYPE A
11/4/96  64      RESPONSE  by defendant THOMSON CORPORATION, defendant WEST
                 PUBLISHING CO.  in opposition to motion for appointment of
                 a Special Master or for the taking of expert testimony
                 [60-1] by TAX ANALYSTS . (ks) [Entry date 11/05/96]

11/5/96  66      NOTICE OF FILING by defendant THOMSON CORPORATION,
                 defendant WEST PUBLISHING CO. of a corrected memorandum in
                 response to TAX ANALYSTS's motion for appointment of a
                 special master or for the taking of expert testimony. (ks)
                 [Entry date 11/06/96]

11/5/96  67      RESPONSE  by plaintiff in opposition to motion for
                 appointment of a Special Master or for the taking of expert
                 testimony [60-1] by TAX ANALYSTS . (ks)
                 [Entry date 11/06/96]

11/12/96 68      ORDER by Judge Paul L. Friedman : denying motion for movant
                 GERONIMO DEVELOPMENT to file amicus brief [47-1] (bm)

11/12/96 69      ORDER by Judge Paul L. Friedman : denying motion for
                 reconsideration of order denying leave to participate as
                 amicus curiae [21-1] [46-1] by TAX ANALYSTS; denying motion
                 for appointment of a Special Master or for the taking of
                 expert testimony [60-1] by TAX ANALYSTS (N) (bm)

11/12/96 70      LETTER dated 11/1/96 to Judge Friedman from Attorney
                 General Mike Moore, State of Mississippi. "Let this be
                 filed" (fiat) (bm)

11/12/96 71      REPLY  by movant TAX ANALYSTS  to response to its motion
                 for appointment of Special Master or for the taking of
                 expert testimony. (ks) [Entry date 11/13/96]

11/12/96 --      USCA # 96-5309 assigned for appeal [59-1] by LEXIS-NEXIS (ks)
                 [Entry date 11/13/96]

11/15/96 72      MOTION filed by amicus LEXIS-NEXIS to supplement the
                 record with the Purchase and Sale Agreement filed under
                 LODGED UNDER SEAL IN ROOM 1825) (ks) [Entry date 11/19/96]

11/19/96 73      RESPONSE  by defendant THOMSON CORPORATION, defendant WEST
                 PUBLISHING CO.  in opposition to motion to supplement the
                 record with the Purchase and Sale Agreement filed under
                 seal [72-1] by LEXIS-NEXIS . (ks) [Entry date 11/20/96]

11/19/96 74      STATUS REPORT by defendant THOMSON CORPORATION, defendant
                 WEST PUBLISHING CO. regarding the divestiture process. (ks)
                 [Entry date 11/20/96]

[END OF DOCKET: 1:96cv1415]