March 25, 1997 HyperLaw, Inc.®

HyperLaw Icon Selected Comments/Documents Submitted to the Committee on Automation Judicial Conference. Set 2, 80-115

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Selected Comments/Documents Submitted to the Committee on Automation Judicial Conference. Set 2, 80-115

The following comments are being placed on the Internet due to the efforts of the American Association of Legal Publishers, Tax Analysts, and HyperLaw. These were scanned in from photocopies obtained from the Administrative Office of U.S. Courts, which would not provide the copies in electronic form. This is the second set, documents 80 to 115.

Additional comments will be provided. If your comments are not included herein and you wish to have them posted on the Internet, please forward the comments to in ASCII format, and label the message "JC Comment for WWW Posting."

                             Before the
                               OF THE

                               In re: 
   Notice of Opportunity to Comment on the ABA Citation Resolution 
                             COMMENTS OF 
     The Reporters Committee submits these comments in response to 
the notice of opportunity to comment on the ABA Citation Resolution 
posted in the Federal Register filed on February 20, 1997. Request 
for Comments, FR Doc. 97-4230 (1997).

     The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press is a voluntary, 
unincorporated association of news editors and reporters dedicated to 
defending the First Amendment and freedom of information rights of 
the print and broadcast media. 
                      PURPOSE OF THESE COMMENTS 
     The Reporters Committee supports the ABA Citation Resolution 
because it would facilitate open access to the courts and therefore 
promote public understanding of the judiciary. 
     The public relies on the press to keep it informed about 
government activities, and the Reporters Committee supports 
initiatives that create new avenues of access to journalists in their 
efforts to gather and disseminate the news. Low-cost and easy 
computer access to court opinions would enable the media to keep the 
public better informed on important judicial and legislative 

     The public is entitled to maximum access to the law of the land. 
Wheaton v. Peters, 33 U.S. (8 Pet.) 591 (1834). Such access is not 
only consistent with the public's First Amendment and common law 
right of access to court proceedings and documents, Press-Enterprise 
Co. v. Superior Court, 478 U.S. 1 (1986); Nixon v. Warner 
Communications, 435 U.S. 589 (1978), but is a prerequisite to making 
the right of access meaningful. 
Court decisions constitute "the authentic exposition and 
interpretation of the law, which . . . bind[s] every citizen. . . ." 
Banks v. Manchester, 128 U.S. 244 (1888). Stare decisis requires that 
opinions be available for purposes of research and citation, and to 
provide general information to the public as to the state and 
development of the law. Garfield v. Palmieri, 193 F. Supp. 137, 143 
(S.D.N.Y. 1961), aff'd, 297 F.2d 526 (2d Cir.), cert. denied, 369 U.S. 
871 (1962). 
     The judiciary has a duty not only to publish and disseminate 
its decisions, Lowenschuss v. West Publishing Co., 542 F.2d 180, 185 
(3d Cir. 1976), but also to employ all available means to make the 
law as available to the public as possible. 
     Justice requires that all should have free access to the 
     opinions, and that it is against sound public policy to prevent 
     this, or to suppress and keep from the earliest knowledge of the 
     public the statutes or the decisions and opinions of the 
Nash v. Lathrop, 142 Mass. 29, 6 N.E. 559 (1886); L. Ray Patterson & 
Craig Joyce, Monopolizing the Law: The Scope of Copyright Protection 
for Law Reports and Statutory Compilations, 36 UCLA L. Rev. 719, 749 
(April 1989) (the public should "enjoy the full benefits of enhanced 
access to law which computer-assisted legal research offers, and to 
which the public is entitled"). 
     As recognized by the ABA Citation Resolution, court decisions 
are increasingly available electronically, through computer bulletin 
boards, disks and the Internet. This new technology creates the 
possibility of unfettered and instantaneous access to the law via 
computers. The Reporters Committee supports adoption of the ABA 
proposal because it would expedite the free flow of information to 
the public. 

     The public "has an interest in accurate reports of judicial 
proceedings," Time, Inc. v. Firestone, supra, 424 U.S. 448, 96 S. Ct. 
958 (1976), and the press plays a critical role in aiding public 
oversight of judicial activities. Richmond Newspapers v. Virginia, 
448 U.S. 555 (1980). By promoting public scrutiny of the judiciary, 
press coverage of the court system ensures that trials are conducted 
efficiently and fairly. Sheppard v. Maxwell, 384 U.S. 333, 350 
(1966). Moreover, providing the rationale underlying Government 
decisionmaking promotes public understanding of our civil and 
political institutions, and is an essential function of a free press. 
Nebraska Press Ass'n v. Stuart, 427 U.S. 539, 586 (1976) (Brennan, 
J., concurring). 
     Journalists are utilizing the new technology to gain 
instantaneous access to vast quantities of information, which has 
enlarged investigative and data-gathering possibilities. David Noach, 
Setting Parameters, Editor & Publisher, February 8, 1997 (citing a 
1995 study in which 68% of the journalists polled said they use the 
Internet for research). Adoption of the ABA proposal would enhance 
journalists' access to court opinions, and therefore assist them in 
providing the public with timely and accurate information about 
important matters of public concern. 
     For these reasons, the Reporters Committee urges the Committee 
to adopt the ABA's proposed citation system. 
     The Reporters Committee appreciates the opportunity to comment 
on the proposed amendment. 
                                   Respectfully submitted, 
                                   Jane E. Kirtley, Esq. 
                                   Executive Director 
                                   Barbara Lerner, Esq. 
                                   Legal Fellow 
            Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press 
                        1101 Wilson Boulevard 
                             Suite 1910 
                        Arlington, VA. 22209 
                           (703) 807-2100 
                           March 12, 1997 


                        REQUEST OF WEST GROUP 
                             TO TESTIFY 
     West Group ("West"), through its undersigned counsel, hereby 
requests the opportunity to testify at the public hearing to be held 
regarding the Judicial Conference of the United States ("Judicial 
Conference") Committee on Automation and Technology ("Committee") 
Federal Register "Notice of Opportunity to Comment and of Public 
Hearing on the ABA Citation Resolution" of February 21, 1997. West 
understands that this public hearing is to be held on Thursday, April 
3, 1997 beginning at 9:00 a.m. in the ceremonial courtroom of the 
U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, 3rd and 
Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 
     As a leading publisher of reports of federal court decisions in 
its Supreme Court Reporter, Federal Reporter, Federal Supplement, 
Bankruptcy Reporter, Federal Rules Decisions and U.S. Claims Court 
Reporter publications, in its West CD ROM Libraries products and on 
its WESTLAW online legal research service, among others, West is 
vitally interested in and would be affected by -- and its customers 
and other users of its products and services would be affected by -- 
any new citation system adopted by the federal courts. West's vital 
interest is, in fact, clear from the ABA Citation Resolution 
(formally, 1996 ABA Recommendation 107 -- "ABA Recommendation") 
itself. Specifically, a West publication, Federal Reporter, is cited 
in the citation example used in the Recommendation and West, or West 
products and services, are mentioned fourteen times in the 
accompanying Report. No other legal publisher (or its 
products/services) is mentioned so often. In short, it is clear that 
West -- and, more importantly, West customers and other users of West 
products/services -- would bear the primary impact of the ABA 
Recommendation if adopted by the federal courts. 
     West has carefully followed and commented on various proposals 
for new caselaw citation systems as they have been raised, considered 
and debated by the Judicial Conference and Committee during the 
period 1990 through 1992, the American Association of Law Libraries, 
the ABA and its Special Committee on Citation Issues, the Supreme 
Courts of Louisiana, Colorado, Wisconsin, South Dakota and Maine, 
various state bar associations and others. In fact, no other 
interested party has followed these proceedings as closely, or 
participated in them as extensively, as West. As a result, West 
believes that it has a good deal of knowledge of and experience with 
the related issues that can be helpful to the Judicial Conference and 
Committee as they proceed to study and consider these issues again. 
For instance, during the 1990-1992 consideration by the Committee and 
Judicial Conference of the "Electronic Citation System" ("ECS") 
proposal, West was particularly active in identifying issues, 
providing relevant factual information and comments, and testifying. 
West trusts that the Committee and Judicial Conference found this 
input to be helpful during their earlier considerations. West 
believes that it can be equally helpful now. 
     West also notes that, in the various considerations of new 
caselaw citation systems identified above, West and its positions on 
copyright and citation issues have consistently been criticized by 
other participants, often based on misinformation regarding the true 
facts or applicable law. Since this history is likely to repeat 
itself during this inquiry, including during the hearing itself, 
West also requests the opportunity to testify to correct such 
misinformation. West believes it is very important for the Committee 
and Judicial Conference to consider the ABA Recommendation in light 
of the TRUE FACTS. 
Dated: March 13, 1997. 
                                   Respectfully Submitted, 
                                   OPPENHEIMER WOLFF & DONNELLY 
                                   James E. Schatz 
                                   Plaza VII, Suite 3400 
                                   45 South Seventh Street 
                                   Minneapolis, MN 55402 
                                   Telephone: 612-344-9433 
                                   Facsimile: 612-344-9376 
                                   COUNSEL FOR WEST GROUP 
                       COMMENTS OF WEST GROUP 
     West Group ("West") submits these comments in response to the 
notice published in Federal Register on February 21, 1997 by the 
Judicial Conference of the United States ("Judicial Conference") 
Committee on Automation and Technology ("Committee"). The Committee 
seeks written public comments relative to the "ABA Citation 
Resolution" (formally, 1996 ABA Recommendation 107 -- "ABA 
Recommendation") regarding two subjects: 

     (1) Whether the federal courts should adopt the form of official 
         citation for court decisions recommended by the ABA 
         resolution; and 
     (2) The costs and benefits such a decision would have on the 
         courts, the bar and the public. 
     As a leading publisher of reports of federal court decisions in 
its Supreme Court Reporter, Federal Reporter, Federal Supplement, 
Bankruptcy Reporter, Federal Rules Decisions and U.S. Claims Court 
Reporter publications, in its West CD ROM Libraries products and on 
its WESTLAW online legal research service, among others, West is 
vitally interested in and would be affected by -- and its customers 
and other users of its products and services would be affected by -- 
any new citation system adopted by the federal courts. Further, West 
has carefully followed and commented on various proposals for new 
caselaw citation systems as they have been raised, considered and 
debated by the Judicial Conference and Committee during the period 
1990 through 1992, the American Association of Law Libraries, the ABA 
and its Special Committee on Citation Issues, the Supreme Courts of 
Louisiana, Colorado, Wisconsin, South Dakota, Maine and North Dakota, 
various state bar associations and others. As a result, West has a 
good deal of knowledge of and experience with the related issues that 
can be helpful to the Judicial Conference and Committee as they 
proceed to study and consider these issues again. 
     As West made clear during the 1990-1992 consideration by the 
Committee and the Judicial Conference of the "Electronic Citation 
System" ("ECS") proposal and relative to the other citation proposals 
noted above, West generally doesn't believe that new caselaw citation 
systems are necessary or would benefit the bench and bar. As 
enumerated during the 1990-1992 ECS process, West believes that the 
disadvantages resulting from the increased complexity and costs such 
new citation systems would entail overwhelm any claimed advantages. 
West's involvement with the foregoing proposals, and its experience 
with the new citation systems that have been adopted in the States of 
Louisiana, Colorado, South Dakota and Maine, have confirmed this 
belief. However, West understands and appreciates the fact that 
others have different views on the subject and that some state 
jurisdictions have decided to implement new citation systems. West 
believes that it is up to each jurisdiction to make its own decision 
on what citation system to use based on the specific situation in 
that jurisdiction. 
     When a new citation system has been adopted, West has reviewed 
and considered the specific situation, the needs and concerns of the 
customers and other users of its related products and services, and 
the needs and concerns of the bench and bar in question, and has made 
the changes in its editorial procedures, products and services that 
it felt would best serve such needs and answer such concerns in 
concert with what its customers were willing to support in terms of 
additional editorial effort and features -- and thus cost. This has 
generally meant that the new citations have been included in West 
case reports as parallel citations and any numbering of paragraphs by 
the courts has been reflected in West case reports. No other changes 
generally have been made. West intends to continue with this policy 
of individual review and consideration of citation developments to 
determine what changes it will make. 
                            ECS PROPOSAL 
     From 1990 through 1992, the Committee considered a proposal to 
implement ECS made by its Library Program Subcommittee. The Committee 
reportedly made a recommendation to the Judicial Conference that ECS 
be adopted in conjunction with -- and to support -- the development 
and deployment of systems "to disseminate appellate court opinions 
electronically." Standard Citation to Electronic Opinions, Revised 
Draft Report (10/17/91), at p. 2. While not announced formally, it 
was later reported that the ECS proposal was considered and rejected 
by the Judicial Conference on September 22, 1992. See, e.g., 
"Judicial Conference Nixes Electronic Citation System" Leader's Legal 
Tech Newsletter (Oct. 1992). 
     Subsequent to the rejection of the ECS proposal, the federal 
judiciary continued to develop and deploy new computer systems to 
disseminate circuit court opinions electronically. This program has 
been successfully completed and all circuit courts now disseminate 
their opinions electronically. The absence of ECS has not slowed or 
otherwise jeopardized this program in any way. 
     While it reportedly rejected the ECS proposal by a large margin, 
the Judicial Conference did allow individual federal courts to adopt 
and use electronic citation systems if they so desired. The only 
federal court to do so that West is aware of is the United States 
Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit ("Sixth Circuit") that, on 
December 17, 1993, announced that, commencing on January 1, 1994, it 
would begin adding electronic citations in the ECS format to its 
opinions designated for publication for use as optional parallel 
citations. Although the Sixth Circuit has continued to add ECS 
citations to its opinions, there apparently has been little use of 
these ECS citations as parallel citations or otherwise by either the 
bar or by the Sixth Circuit itself (or any other court). 
     West concludes from the foregoing history that the vast majority 
of federal courts do not think that electronic citations would be 
beneficial. At least, few federal courts have adopted electronic 
citation systems although the possibility has been open to them. 
Moreover, as noted above, there has been little use made of the Sixth 
Circuit's ECS citations by either the bench or bar. It seems 
apparent, then, that there is no ground swell of support for 
electronic citations at the federal level. 
     The ABA Recommendation, adopted at the August 1996 annual 
meeting, calls for "All jurisdictions [to] adopt a system of official 
citation to case reports that is EQUALLY EFFECTIVE for printed case 
reports and for case reports electronically published on computer 
disks or network services . . . ." ABA Recommendation at p. 1 
(emphasis added). While West doesn't see a need for new citation 
systems as discussed above, IF THEY ARE GOING TO BE ADOPTED, and a 
few have been, West believes it is of utmost importance that they in 
fact be "equally effective" for print AND electronic caselaw sources. 
     West further believes that in order for a new citation system to 
be TRULY "equally effective" for print and electronic caselaw 
sources, parallel citations to a print source must be required. If 
this is not done, the new system would allow users of electronic 
caselaw sources to DIRECTLY locate a cited case while forcing users 
of print caselaw sources to perform an ADDITIONAL research step that 
would be time consuming and therefore more expensive. To explain, a 
citation such as "1996 5Cir 15" would allow a researcher to directly 
locate the related case in most electronic sources by simply entering 
the citation as a query; the result being the prompt appearance of 
the case on the user's computer screen. In contrast, such a citation 
would not inform a researcher in what volume or on what page of a 
print source the case cited could be found. Instead, the print 
researcher would have to access and use an additional intermediate 
research tool -- a process that would take extra time and thus be an 
additional expense -- that would be necessary to learn WHERE the case 
with the "1996 5Cir 15" citation could be found in the print source. 
Examples of such intermediate research tools are tables of cases 
included in most digest products, Shepard's, Insta-Cite and Auto-
Cite. /1/ There can be no question that the forced use of such 
additional research tools would be an added burden and expense. 
     Since those involved in the citation controversies agree that 
the vast majority of legal researchers today (up to 80% of them) 
still rely mainly or solely on print caselaw sources, it is not fair 
to implement a new citation system that would disadvantage this 
majority. /2/ A different situation may exist at some unknown -- and 
presently unknowable -- point in the future, and, if so, a new rule 
could be adopted at that point. 
     Moreover, West notes that citations to print caselaw sources are 
commonly used in a wide variety of electronic caselaw sources. This 
means that citations to print sources are not only useful in locating 
caselaw in the print sources cited, but are also helpful in locating 
caselaw in a wide variety of electronic services. As only some 
examples of this wide use of citations to print sources (because 
there are many, many others), case reports contained in the following 
sources contain citations to print caselaw sources: WESTLAW, West CD-
ROM Libraries products, LEXIS, Michie CD-ROM products, Matthew Bender 
Authority CD-ROM products and LOIS's (Law Office Information Service) 
online service. 
     To make West's suggestion concrete, using the example given in 
the ABA Recommendation at page 2, the new citation form would be as 
follows (where a print citation is available) until future change in 
the legal information marketplace indicates that a different citation 
form should be used: 
     Smith v. Jones, 1996 5Cir 15, paragraph 18, 22 F.3rd 955 

This result is consistent with ALL jurisdictions that have recently 
adopted new citation systems, those jurisdictions being Louisiana, 
Colorado, South Dakota, Maine and North Dakota. Louisiana has adopted 
a new caselaw citation system based on the year of decision, docket 
number and slip opinion pagination, together with a MANDATORY 
parallel print citation. Order Regarding Citation of Louisiana 
Appellate Decisions (LA 12/17/93). Although Colorado has not yet 
implemented the paragraph numbering part of its new citation system, 
its new system is based on an initial print citation plus paragraph 
or page number pinpoint indicators. Memorandum Regarding Citation of 
Electronically Reported Cases (CO 5/5/94). South Dakota (effective 
January 1, 1996) and Maine and North Dakota (effective January 1, 
1997) have adopted new citation systems based on the year of 
decision, a new numbering scheme for cases and paragraph numbers as 
pinpoint locators, together with MANDATORY parallel print citations. 
In the Matter of the Adoption of a New Rule -- Rule 95-13 (SD 
10/30/95); Order, Docket No. SJC-216 (ME 8/20/96); In the Matter of 
Uniform, Medium-Neutral Case Citations, Order (ND 1/15/97). In EACH 
of these situations, the court implementing the new system has 
concluded that the new system would not work or be fair without the 
MANDATORY use of parallel citations to print caselaw sources. 
     The history described above is consistent with the ABA 
Recommendation which states at one point that courts should "STRONGLY 
ENCOURAGE parallel citations . . . to commonly used printed case 
reports" and indicates at another point that such parallel citations 
should be MANDATORY -- i.e., "the standard form of citation, shown 
for a decision in a federal court of appeals, SHOULD BE 

     Smith v. Jones, 1996 5Cir 15, paragraph 18, 22 F.3d 955." 
ABA Recommendation at p. 1-2 (emphasis added). Further, the most 
recent citation proposal that West knows of, made in Tennessee by the 
Tennessee Bar Association on January 2, 1997, includes the following 
     When available, initial citations shall include the volume and 
     initial page number of the South Western Reporter in which the 
     opinion or decision is published. 
Petition of Tennessee Bar Association for the Approval of Citation 
System for Tennessee Appellate Decisions (TBA Link) at p. 8 (1/2/97). 
     In fact, the only recent proposal for a new caselaw citation 
system that would not require the parallel citation of a print 
caselaw source that has been considered and acted upon by a 
jurisdiction is the system proposed in Wisconsin that has not been 
adopted by that State's Supreme Court. In the Matter of Amendment of 
Supreme Court Rules: Electronic Archive of Appellate Opinions, Rules 
and Orders; Citation of Wisconsin Appellate Opinions -- SCR 80.01 and 
80.02 -- Order #95-01 (5/24/95). West believes that there are very 
good policy and practical reasons for the foregoing history. 
     For the many reasons discussed during the 1990-1992 ECS process, 
West doesn't believe that new caselaw citation systems are needed or 
would benefit the bench and bar, but does believe that the decision 
of whether to implement a new caselaw citation system should be up to 
each jurisdiction to make based on its particular situation. If the 
Committee and Judicial Conference conclude that a new citation system 
is necessary or advisable in the best interests of the federal bench 
and bar, West strongly urges the Committee and Judicial Conference to 
REQUIRE parallel citation of a print caselaw source in order that the 
interests of ALL legal researchers and writers be EQUALLY served.

Dated: March 13, 1997              Respectfully Submitted, 
                                   OPPENHEIMER WOLFF & DONNELLY 
                                   James E. Schatz 
                                   Plaza VII, Suite 3400 
                                   45 South Seventh Street 
                                   Minneapolis, MN 55402 
                                   Telephone: 612-344-9433 
                                   Facsimile: 612-344-9376 
                                   COUNSEL FOR WEST GROUP 

     /1/ West notes that Insta-Cite and Auto-Cite are solely 
electronic services and Shepard's is increasingly becoming so. These 
types of electronic sources are of no help to those, including 
members of the public, without computers or who rely solely on print 
research sources. 
     /2/ West notes that this majority includes those who, for 
whatever reason, cannot afford computers or the use of electronic 
caselaw sources, and who therefore must rely on the print caselaw 
sources available for free use at thousands of public law libraries 
across our country. This group often includes solo or small firm 
practitioners and pro se litigants. These types of users should not 
be disadvantaged. 

                          END OF FOOTNOTES


                                   March 14, 1997 
ABA Citation Resolution 
U.S. Judicial Conference 
Washington, D.C. 
     For three generations, the courts of the United States have had 
a semi-official printer, the West Publishing Company. 
     For many years, this system worked well. West produced court 
decisions in an orderly format at no cost to the Federal government. 
And the courts provided their opinions to West and cooperated in a 
variety of other ways to facilitate that Company's publication 
efforts. No one questioned the system, and most members of the bar 
accepted West's semi-official status. 
     However, in the past decade, this cozy system has begun to break 
down. The computer revolution brought new firms and new types of 
publications into legal publishing. These included giant firms, such 
as Lexis-Nexis, and small CD-ROM publishers, such as Hyperlaw, New 
Ray Software, Tax Analysts. 
     These new entrants -- especially the CD-ROM publishers -- 
brought with them the prospect of lower prices and broader 
availability for legal reference materials. But the efforts of these 
new entrants have been largely thwarted by West Publishing's control 
over the citation system used to identify judicial decisions. 
     This control has been asserted by West in a series of lawsuits 
over the past decade, and through an intensified effort by West to 
curry favor with Federal and state courts by a variety of means. See, 
for example, "U.S. Justices Took Trips from West Publishing," 
Minneapolis Star Tribune, March 5, 1995, p. 1. The most recent 
instance of such efforts is the gift by Dwight Opperman of West to 
New York University Law School's Global Law Program for the benefit 
of the children of West employees and Article III Federal judges. 
     The American Bar Association (ABA) has recently endorsed, by an 
overwhelming majority, a proposal to develop a new public-domain 
citation system that will replace the system over which West asserts 
proprietary rights. The ABA proposal deserves, support by the U.S. 
Judicial Conference. 
     The ABA proposal will undoubtedly foster competition in legal 
publishing and thereby lower the prices charged by publishers for 
legal texts. 
     At the same time, the ABA proposal will enable the courts to 
make their opinions immediately available by electronic means with a 
permanent citation. Thus, instead of waiting weeks or months for a 
print citation to be assigned to a case, the courts themselves can 
assign a citation that can thereafter be used by all publishers, 
large and small, to identify cases. 
     In the past, the courts have been slow to respond to the 
challenges and opportunities attributable to development of computer 
technology and the Internet. I have been outspoken in urging the 
courts to do better. See, for example, "Judicial Information Policy: 
Whose Business Is It Anyway," reprinted in the Proceedings of the 
National Conference on Legal Information Issues, (American 
Association of Law Libraries Series No. 51), Fred B. Rothman & Co., 
Littleton, Colorado, 1996. 
     The ABA citation proposal is an opportunity for the courts to 
begin to assert leadership in an important area that has been too 
long neglected. The time for study and debate is past. The problems 
in this area -- especially the competing claims of West and its 
competitors -- have festered too long and have grown serious. The 
courts need to assert their rightful role in helping to make the law 
available to the public. Adoption of the ABA citation proposal would 
be an important step in that direction. 
                                   Best regards, 
                                   Thomas F. Field 
                                   President and Publisher 


                                   11 March 1997 
ABA Citation Resolution Committee. 
Committee on Automation and Technology 
Judicial Conference of the United States 
Suite 4-512, 
Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, 
Washington, DC 20544 
SUBJECT: Public Domain Legal Citations. 
Dear Members of the ABA Citation Resolution Committee: 
     From such a positive decision, the public would gain substantial 
benefits of access and availability of legal texts. 
     At present, most federal court opinions are referred to by 
researchers, scholars, and practicing lawyers by the volume number 
and page numbers of paper bound court reporters sold by West 
Publishing. West Publishing claims that it "owns" the citations to 
the past 75 years of federal court opinions. 
     Many experts want the courts to adopt a public domain system for 
citation to court opinions. Experts believe this is needed both to 
end the West monopoly on court citations, and also to provide a more 
modern form of citation that would work better with the Internet and 
other forms of electronic publishing. 
     In July 1996, The ABA made its recommendation for a public 
citation system. The ABA system was essentially the same as systems 
recommended earlier by several state bar associations, as well as the 
American Association of Law Libraries (AALL), the Department of 
Justice (DoJ), the American Association of Legal Publishers (made up 
of small high technology American legal publishers), and many 
citizens groups, including the Consumer Project on Technology. 
     The ABA asked courts to adopt a standard from of citation that 
would use the name of the case, the year, the court of jurisdiction, 
a sequential number for the opinion, and a paragraph number for the 
text. The main difference between this and the West Publishing 
citation would simply be that the court would number its opinions and 
the paragraphs within the opinion, so it would not have to rely upon 
the West volume and page numbers. This would permit the citation to 
be available the instant the opinion was released from the court, and 
to be used by any publisher, and in any format displayed. This system 
is as old as the Bible, which itself uses a system of paragraph 
numbers. Paragraph numbering is also used by lawyers to identify the 
text in court pleadings. 
     There is considerable resistance by some federal judges to the 
implementation of the ABA recommendation. Federal judges and their 
law clerks get unlimited access to Westlaw and Lexis at taxpayer 
expense, so the problems caused by the West monopoly on citations 
isn't always a pressing concern. Some judges think there is no need 
for change from the status quo, and that it would be a costly burden 
to number opinions and paragraphs. Many judges also do not believe 
that anyone but lawyers are interested in reading court opinions. 
     I believe that it is inappropriate and not in the public 
interest for a private entity, such as West Publishing, to "own" 
citations to government documents. 
     Ordinary citizens care about access to court opinions. I can see 
this on a daily basis, in my service as copyright officer at this 
University, and in the federal publications depository collection and 
regional federal information service operating from within the walls 
of this academic library. Better access to legal information, through 
consistent and inexpensive citations, would have positive effects in 
terms of economic development and an informed and empowered 
     A less monopolistic system for legal citations is likely to 
increase competition among legal publishers, and lower prices for 
     The courts should also do a better job making court information 
available at low cost to taxpayers, who are expected to obey the law. 
     In this age of information technology, the courts should be 
making use of the great opportunity to make all federal court 
opinions available on the Internet, with citations that will permit 
the public to uniquely and uniformly identify and cite an opinion. 
     Federal, state, and local governments are huge consumers of high 
priced legal information, and that taxpayers will benefit from added 
services and lower costs resulting from more competition for legal 
     Citizens, students, researchers, business persons benefit from 
better access to the text of court opinions in this nation built on 
the rule of law. 
                                   Steve Marquardt, Ph.D. 
                                   Dean of Libraries 


Subject: Re: ABA citation method reform 

   Date: Sun, 9 Mar 1997 21:16:40 -0800 (PST) 

   From: Dana Barsish  

     West Publishing has in the past performed a great public 
service, and profited handsomely as well. The tools are now at hand, 
however, to do a better job at a far lower cost. Only competition can 
reduce the cost of court record management and dissemination. Records 
other than opinions can now be stored and indexed in a way not 
dreamed of until recently. Allowing a public domain citation method 
is only the first step. 
     My other concern is that West's strangehold on records has 
allowed them to perpetrate some rather biased indexing of cases. Only 
computer based text searches can locale all relevant case law at 
times and at substantial cost. Most search tools on the internet are 
free and access similar volumes of data. 
     I make these comments as a non-lawyer who has presented cases 
before two courts of appeal here in Florida. 


Author:   Al Millstein at ~Internet

Date:     3/12/ 0 01:08 PM

Priority: Normal

BCC:      citation at AO-OCPPO

TO: at ~Internet

CC: at ~Internet

Subject:  ABA Citation Resolution

                          Message Contents

     I am an attorney handling state court appointed criminal appeals 
of indigent defendants.

     I find it appalling that the Thomson/West publishing complex has 
been permitted to monopolize vast areas of available case law 

     Those of us who do the kind of work I am engaged in are 
financially at the mercy of a non-competitive system, and have little 
control over the costs of research materials. We are paid very little 
for important work; the quality of appeals, involving basic 
constitutional rights of offenders is at issue.

     It is my impression that the ABA proposal would expand the 
availability of such resources, both with respect to ease of access 
and cost.

     Many, or most of us have acquired, or will acquire Internet and 
online facilities; it would be short-sighted to restrict the 
development of new systems of case law availability, or fail to keep 
pace with the developing technology, as represented in the ABA plan.

     Apart from the needs of such practitioners as myself, the 
interest of the general public would be served by the increased 
access to information. I believe the healthiest aspect of the 
"information revolution" is the increased use and awareness by 
citizens of hitherto unavailable resources.

     Not the least of those affected are prisoners, who are in need 
of better research resources, to pursue their own interests to which 
they are entitled.

                                   ALFRED MILLSTEIN
                                   Attorney at Law
                                   2715 Cadillac Tower
                                   Detroit, MI 48226


Subject: Internet citation standards

Date:    Mon, 03 Mar 1997 09:25:55 -0800

From:    John Hearn 


     I am a sole practitioner in the state of South Carolina. I would 
like to testify at the public hearing if possible.

     As a young lawyer without a secretary, I depend on online 
information systems to stay in business. My testimony would be brief, 
about ten minutes. My focus would be narrow and would address the 
benefits to our national jurisprudence uniform citation standards 
would promote.

     As a former editor of the ABA Real Property, Probate and Trust 
Journal, I know first-hand the inherent problems of creating uniform 
legal citation. My testimony will briefly explicate those problems 
and describe how uniform standards would cure some of those problems.

     My phone number is (803) 252-8381.

     My FAX is (803) 252-6042.

     Thank you.

                                   John Hearn


Author:   Jack Barnett  at ~Internet

Date:     3/11/97  08:19 PM

Priority: Normal


TO: at ~Internet

Subject:  West Publishing

                          Message Contents

     I find it absolutely scandalous that West Publishing should be 
able to hold public information such as court records and judicial 
decisions hostage to a copyrighted indexing system. The following 
excerpt from C/Net's article made my blood boil:

     "In a March 5 special report the Minneapolis Star Tribune 
reported that many top judges, including seven Supreme Court 
justices, had accepted trips to exotic locales plus cash prizes from 
West executives. Five court cases appealed to the Supreme Court in 
previous years had been denied review, the paper reported.  Also, 
judges who had jurisdiction over West copyright cases accepted 
freebies from the company, with one taking a $15,000 prize while 
sitting on an a panel preparing an opinion in a West copyright 
challenge, according to the Star Tribune.

     "In its defense, a West spokeswoman told the newspaper the 
company has done nothing illegal or improper and that its competitors 
offer similar perks to judges, although the newspaper wrote it could 
find no other company that sponsored cash awards."

     These allegations, if true, amount to graft, fraud and the 
embezzlement of the American system of justice, by the very people in 
which we must place our confidence that the law is upheld! I think 
"treason", "traitor" and "treachery" would have their place in this 
case if the above statements are true.

     I strenuously urge all involved parties to work to adopt the 
public domain citation system proposed by the American Bar 
Association, or some other open, non-proprietary system with all 
deliberate haste. I feel that to do otherwise is to further erode the 
American people's confidence and faith in our system of justice. 
Without the people's confidence, there can be no justice; without 
their consent, there can be no governance.

                                   Jackson W. Barnett
                                   Lake Pleasant, MA


Author: Lauren B Bergida  at Internet

Date: 3/13/ 0 11:18 PM

Priority: Normal

BCC: citation at AO-OCPPO

TO: at Internet

Subject: Immediately available citations

To Whom It May Concern:

     As a law student and future attorney, I endorse the new citation 
system. I believe that it will be efficient, fair, and economical. 
The multiple forms of citation that are currently usable are 
unnecessarily confusing therefore use of the uniform West system has 
become so widely accepted. But, their method is not the only method 
that will provide uniformity, and ease of use. The new system will 
provide needed uniformity and ease of use at a lower cost to users. 
It should be adopted. 

                                   Lauren bergida


Subject: comments on a New Citation system

   Date: Mon, 10 Mar 1997 11:23 -0800 (PST)

   From: "Burt Knight" 


     As a former Guardian Ad Litem and former Law Student, and as a 
former New Hampshire State Representative, I wholeheartedly support 
the adoption of a public domain citation system. The current system 
allows individuals and organizations to capitalize on what should be 
Public Domain material and to have a 'lock' on the Market. 
     The proposed new system is far more logical and should be cost 
effective as well as being simpler and easier for the layman to 
understand. I think the cost savings should be fairly obvious with 
the only groups negatively effected being the ones who are currently 
making a profit from public domain material. 
                                   Burton W. Knight, II 
                                   572 S. Barnstead Rd. 
                                   S. Barnstead, NH 03225 
                                   (603) 269-2337 


Author: (Elsa F. Kramer) at -Internet

Date: 3/13/0- 03:50 PM

Priority: Normal

BCC: citation at AO-OCPPO

TO: at -Internet

Subject: public domain legal citations

     I am a self-employed writer and editor who frequently researches 
legal issues. I have never been able to understand how one 
company could claim as intellectual property the opinions of taxpayer-
supported courts. West may of course lay claim to its cumbersome 
system of citation, and to its monopoly on the information it keeps 
from journalists and others interested in the law but "unqualified" 
to have access to the information.

     Please, let the public have EASY access to public documents. 
Please implement the ABA's recommendation for a new citation system.

                           Elsa F. Kramer



   Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 08:57:33 -0600

   From: "Bob Lake" 


     The current citation system is ludicrous. While the work moves 
to "open" standards, the most important information in our democracy 
remains available only with the use of a "proprietary" access 

     Reform is needed immediately.

     I have paid for the court's decisions to be made. I have a right 
to access those without paying a third party for numbering the pages.

     While West will unfortunately lose significant revenues, this is 
the nature of progress. Buggy-whip manufacturers found other 
products; West will do the same or meet the fate demanded in a 
capitalistic system.

                           Robert C. Lake
                         Montgomery, Alabama

                        334 279-8185 (voice)


Author: "James E. Leinweber" 

Date: 3/14/-0 09:08 AM

Priority: Normal

BCC: citation at AO-OCPPO

TO: at -Internet

Subject: support for ABA proposal for public domain citations of cour

     I fully support the recent ABA proposal to move to a public 
domain system of citations for court opinions, based on paragraph 
numbering. This will provide a uniform system, aiding citizens 
studying the legal system, academic research on legal issues, and 
increasing access to legal documents by small businesses.

     It is understandable that West Publishing is upset by the 
potential harm to their current near-monopoly position providing 
legal reporting services, but their private profit motives should be 
entirely outweighed by the public interest in this case.

James E. Leinweber
Information Systems - State Laboratory of Hygiene - University of 
 465 Henry Mall, Madison WIU 53706-1578 USA +1 608 
262 0736


Subject: West Publishing

   Date: Wed, 12 Mar 1997 20:54:52 -0800

   From: Your Name Here 


     The cozy relationship between U.S. Supreme Court justices and 
West Publishing is unseemly and embarrassing. I urge you and your 
peers to do the right thing -- end West's monopoly and return court 
opinions to the public domain. Only then will these documents be 
freely disseminated, as you know they must.

     Thank you.

                     Tim Leslie, Corvallis, Ore.


Author: "JUHA MAKIPAA"  at Internet

Date: 3/11/97 02:39 AM

Priority: Normal


TO: at Internet

Subject: Court papers on Internet

     I support making the decisions of courts available free to 
anyone on the Internet. I also vote in every election.

                         Mr. Juha O. Makipaa
                          5 Charlotte Road
                         Fishkill, NY 12524


     Subject: Support for revision of citation system

        Date: Wed, 12 Mar 1997 21:05:41 -0700

        From: Lyle
Organization: Unorganized


To Whom It May Concern:

     I fully support the ABA proposal to the U.S. Judicial Conference 
to completely revise the citation system for cases.

     West continues to argue that their pagination system is 
protected by copyright. West's pending merger with Thompson only 
allows zero-fee license for use of their system for four years, then 
fees resume (if copyright is upheld).

     This situation is denying the public free access to the courts 
and should not be allowed to continue. The proposed change would 
effectively end West's monopoly on US court citations and allow all - 
legal as well as general public -- access, as its should be.

     I am not a lawyer, yet I try to read as many court cases as I 
can. The current monopoly severely restricts my access to caselaw. I 
cannot afford to subscribe to Westlaw, nor do I like the fact that I 
must pay, through my taxes, for judges to get access to data paid for 
by the American people.

     Please adopt the ABA proposal and put the caselaw back into the 
hands of those that have paid for it: The Public!

                            Lyle McBroom
                         d160 Shelter Valley
                         Kalispell, MT 59901


Subject: Hearing on West Publishing

   Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 17:46:00 -0700

   From: Cheryl Post 

     To: "U.S. Courts" 

     As a private citizen and a paralegal, I whole-heartedly support 
the proposal to implement court citations and on-line access of court 
opinions, and end the monopoly by West Publishing on access to these 
documents. They are indeed a monopoly, and their rates have risen 
dramatically in the last several years, including yet another rise in 
the last few months. One on-line transaction now costs $20-70, 
depending on the database used, and general searches are billed as 
high as several dollars per minute. Special software is required 
that can be obtained only from West. Printing an opinion is an 
additional charge per page. Not only is the public essentially 
excluded from access, but if they hire an attorney, they are forced 
to pay these prices and pass them on to their clients. Charges can 
run in the hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars, and all for 
public records to which the public should have unlimited access.

     While I realize that many U.S. Courts are publishing their 
opinions on the Net, the system is sporadic at best, and lacks 
citations and other needed information. Not all U.S.S.C. opinions are 
on-line, and each Circuit Court differs on if and how they put their 
opinions on-line, as well as how far back they go and how long the 
opinions remain on-line. The state courts are even more dissimilar in 
their sites.

     The Courts have addressed just about every other monopoly but 
their own and that of West Publishing. With the public accessibility 
of so much information on the internet, the opinions of the court 
should join the parade. We live in an age of information, and access 
is critical. The public pays for the judicial system through their 
taxes, and these are public documents. They should be available to 
the public without having to pay the exorbitant rates charged by 

     I urge you to end this monopoly and pursue the ABA 
recommendations to put these opinions in the public domain.


Subject: Email Comments on Public Domain Citations to Judicial 

   Date: Sat, 8 Mar 1997 12:02:24 -0800 (PST)

   From: Jeffrey Price 


     Chair, Judge Edward Nottingham, District Court, CO
     Judge Richard Nygaard 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals, Erie, PA
     Judge Paul Barbadaro, District Court, NH
     Judge James Robertson, District Court for DC
     Judge Roger Strand, District Court, Phoenix, AZ
     Judge Franklin Waters, District Court, Fayetteville, AR
     Magistrate Judge David Baker, Orlando, FL

     (1) Whether the federal courts should adopt the form of official 
     citation for court decisions recommended by the ABA resolution?


     I believe the federal courts should adopt the citation form 
suggested by the ABA for the following reasons

     a) It is inappropriate for a private company to have total 
control over my access to public documents. This flies in the face of 
the very term "public" and the needs of a well informed citizen.

     b) I cannot afford to subscribe to a Westlaw or a Lexis data 
base to find out what a court has to say about a particular subject 
of interest to me.

     c) I believe in free enterprise; the standardization of opinions 
will allow more competition in the marketplace, a free flow of 
information, and promote a greater understanding of the judicial 

     d) Its my tax dollars at work in the courts, I do not get to 
vote on the federal judge who sits in "my" court, but a company like 
West gets to freeload off my tax dollar and I get no say. This is 
simply wrong.

     (2) The costs and benefits such a decision would have on the 
     courts, the bar, and the public.

     I can't talk much about the costs to the courts, but if they are 
anything like my business, they already computerize the opinions. I 
cannot see how it can be very expensive to simply have the support 
staff who type up opinions to simply use a template to enter opinions 

     Is there any federal judge out there who types his or her own 
opinions AND edits them AND THEN sends them out with nobody on staff 
having anything to do with them? If so, then perhaps that judge might 
be inconvienced by having to learn a new format. But I suggest that 
his or her inconvenience while travelling a short (6 months?) 
learning curve is a very small price to pay.

     Finally, why is it better to pinpoint a citation to a page (a la 
West) than to a specific paragraph? As a history scholar I find 
biblical citations much easier to locate than legal ones.

     Thank you,

                          Jeffrey Lee Price
                         University of Idaho


Subject: court opinions belong in the public domain

   Date: Thu, 13 Mar 1997 01:20:04 -0800

   From: ricallan 


do you wonder why americans are increasingly disenchanted by their 
government? well, look no further than your own docket: money and 
gifts to the federal judiciary. first disillusionment in the congress 
and presidency. now we find that the last bastion of our justice 
system has been corrupted. heaven help what's left of america and 
shame on everyone involved who doesn't do everything they can to at 
least place court opinions in the public domain.


Author: Time Rice  at -Internet

Date: 3/11/0 01:04 PM

Priority: Normal

BCC: citation at AO-OCPPO

To: at -Internet

Subject: West Law Numbering System

To Whom It May Concern,

     I was shocked to learn the depth of West Laws strangle hold on a 
public database of documents. For any one company to have that much 
control over documents that are REQUIRED READING for every legal 
professional and private citizen alike is unacceptable. Court 
documents are public, by law. I, as a private citizen, should have 
free access to them. They effect my life, they govern what may happen 
to me in court some day, and I am held responsible for knowing the 
law (ignorance is NOT an excuse.) Why should I be required to PAY 
someone $4 PER MINUTE for a search of PUBLIC documents? If the 
documents are public domain, the numbering/indexing system should 
also be public domain.

                  Timothy R. Rice (John Q. Public)
                       Network Systems Analyst
                       Department of Medicine
                   Duke University Medical Center


Subject: ABA Citation Resolution

   Date: Fri, 14 Mar 1997 12:26:31 -0800

   From: "Roger D. Rines" 


ABA Citation Resolution
Suite 4-512
Administrative Office of the U.S.
Courts, Washington, DC 20544

Dear members of the U.S. Judicial Conference:

     I write to urge the United States Judicial Conference to adopt a 
public domain citation for judicial opinions.

     The purpose of the Courts must be service to the public. This 
can only be achieved when citations are listed as public domains.

     Costly impediments to public access to our courts by unnecessary 
monopolistic fees is clearly open extortion. Please get the bullies 
away from our court doors and give everyone equal access.

     I therefore urge the Judicial Conference to adopt a system of 
public domain citations to court opinions.


                                   Roger D. Rines
                                   San Jose, CA


Author: Catherine Roth 

Date: 3/11/0 06:13 PM

Priority: Normal

BCC: citation at AO-OCPPO


Subject: ABA Uniform Citation Proposal

     As a law student I have always wondered why there was not a 
uniform citation system that was realistically usable, unlike the 
Bluebook current taught. I think the proposed ABA system would 
provide a workable format that academics and practitioners could use 
and avoid the hapharzard method of citation I find more often than 
not. Change is definitely need and this proposal deserves your 
affirmative endorsement. Thank you for taking time to read my 

                           Catherine Roth
                 Washington University School of Law


Author: Catherine Roth 

Date: 3/11/0 06:13 PM

Priority: Normal

BCC: citation at AO-OCPPO


Subject: ABA Uniform Citation Proposal

     As a law student I have always wondered why there was not a 
uniform citation system that was realistically usable, unlike the 
Bluebook current taught. I think the proposed ABA system would 
provide a workable format that academics and practitioners could use 
and avoid the hapharzard method of citation I find more often than 
not. Change is definitely need and this proposal deserves your 
affirmative endorsement. Thank you for taking time to read my 

                           Catherine Roth
                 Washington University School of Law


Subject: Court Cases belong to the Public

   Date: Fri, 14 Mar 1997 14:22:23 -0500

   From: Anant Sahai 


     CC: sahai@mit.edc

     As an American Citizen who uses the internet, I find it hard to 
believe that the US Government permits Court Cases to be copyrighted 
documents that we must pay to access. There is a substantial public 
interest in all ordinary citizens having access to these cases -- 
which serve to define the very laws applying to them. They also need 
to be able to freely quote and distribute this information to others.

     Today, with the Internet's low costs of distribution, it is not 
an unreasonable burden to put up web sites containing all these 
documents. The public interest must be served.

                            -Anant Sahai


Author: Ian Schindler  at -Internet

Date: 3/14/0 11:43 AM

Priority: Normal

BCC: citation at AO-OCPPO

TO: at -Internet

Subject: court records

     I don't understand how you can even consider maintaining the 
West monopoly on court opinions in place.

     The future of all information distribution is the web, and all 
US public information should be available on the internet for a 
nominal fee.

     Justice begins with openness. Making the US public pay 
outrageous fees to understand its own judicial system is scandalous.


                                   Ian Schindler PhD.


Author: Caryl Lynn Segal 

Date: 03/12/97 07:40 AM

Priority: Normal


TO: at -Internet


     I firmly believe that the ABA citation recommendations should be 

     As a teacher with no law library readily accessible, having 
opinions available electronically means that my students are kept up 
to date on matters that have an effect upon them or the topic we are 

     As an author and researcher this is invaluable to me.

     Of greater importance is the fact that the public can get the 
complete reasoning behind decisions that might appear controversial 
and not be dependent upon the media's interpretation.

                                   Thank you, 

Caryl Lynn Segal                             Telephone 817-272-3880
University of Texas at Arlington             Fax: 817-794-5673
Criminal Justice Department
Arlington, TX 76019-0595                     Email:


"Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves or we know 
where we can find information upon it." Samuel Johnson 1709-1784


Subject: online court opinions

   Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 10:00:45 -0400

   From: LeAnn Mynatt 


     I strongly think court opinions should be accessible online -- 
free -- to the public. It's time for West's monopoly to be broken.

                            LeAnn Mynatt


Author: Dean Robb  at Internet

Date: 3/13/0 08:31 PM

Priority: Normal

BCC: citation at AO-OCPPO

TO: at Internet

Subject: Westlaw Copyright commentary

     It is contrary to the very concept of a free nation to charge 
for access to open court documents and decisions. What West is doing 
is the equivalent of selling tickets to sit in the gallery during a 
trial. Currently, unless one is present in person or watches the 
entire proceedings on Court TV, one cannot know of judicial decisions 
and actions that could affect them . . . yet they are expected to act 
as if they are aware.

     Imagine the outcry if the public were forced to pay for the 
privilege of knowing what Congress does . . . or their State 
legislature . . . or their City Council. In the end, it comes down to 
precedence: does West's right to make money outweigh the right of the 
citizen to access public information in a free society?


Subject: Uniform Citation System Comments

        Date: Thu, 06 Mar 1997 19:53:16 -0600

        From: jay nixon 

Organization: execpc


     If the "deficite hawks" in the government ever learned how much 
our agencies could save on book costs with public domain case law 
this proposal would go through in no time. It's just counter 
intuitive to think that the work product of tax payer supported 
courts could be owned by anyone other than the public! Please 
expedite approval of this proposal. Thank you, Jay K. Nixon, Attorney 
at Law. 414-633-3090.


Subject: New citation system

   Date: Mon, 10 Mar 1997 22:01:59 -0800

   From: "Daniel G. Newman" 


     I am writing in favor of the proposed new citation system that 
would be in the public domain. I am a graduate student at the 
University of California at Berkeley. Though I rarely use legal 
materials myself, I think it is outrageous that a private firm (West 
Publishing) controls how cases are cited. As a student and taxpayer, 
I would welcome the increased access to legal information that a 
public domain citation system would bring.

                                   Respectfully submitted,

                                   Daniel Newman
                                   2039 Shattuck Ave. Suite 403
                                   Berkeley, CA 94704


Subject: Free public domain system

   Date: Mon, 10 Mar 1997 23:43:22 -0500

   From: Marvin Balogh <"">


     This is outrageous. Why we the people allow this to go on. These 
are public records and should have the freedom of information use and 
not be restricted because some one has a copyright on the numbering 
system, Preposterous. Skewered Tax payer as usual.


Subject: Public Access to Court Citations

   Date: Sat, 15 Mar 1997 10:18:48 -0800 (PST)

   From: Mark Allyn 206-860-9454 



     I am in favor of public domain access to citations of U.S. court 

     I think that a private monopoly on U.S. court citations held by 
a foreign firm is very inappropriate. There should not even be a 
suggestion that court citations should be held by a private company.

     Further, I think that information on all federal court cases 
should be publicly available on the Internet. We as taxpaying 
citizens have already paid for this information; why should we have 
to pay for it again.

     Please ignore the letters from the federal judges who oppose to 
the free and public access to information to federal court cases.

     Thank you.

                                   Truly yours,

                                   Mark Allyn
                                   1161 21st Ave E
                                   Seattle, Wa 98112


Subject: Proposed Public Domain Citation Form

Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 07:25:55 -0800

From: "B.J.T" 

Organization: Law Office of B.J. Jeanie Thompson


     I believe the federal courts should adopt the form of official 
citation for court decisions recommended by the ABA resolution.

     A new system of citation will have the effect of making access 
to court opinions more affordable for me, a solo practitioner, whose 
middle class clientele struggles to afford legal services.

                                   B. Jean Thompson
                                   Attorney at Law
                                   7705 La Cosa Drive, Suite 100
                                   Dallas, Texas 75248


Subject: Adoption of Uniform Method of Citation

Date: Sat, 01 Mar 1997 11:25:43 -0800

From: "Lisa A. Runquist"

Organization: Runquist & Associates


     I understand that you are interested in obtaining comments from 
practitioners concerning the possible adoption of a uniform method of 
citation, such as the one that has been proposed by the American Bar 
Association. Such a method of citation would make the ability to 
research cases through electronic means, including the internet, much 
easier, faster, and cheaper.

     As an attorney who has been practicing for 20 years, of which 15 
have been in a partnership, as a sole practitioner, and as a small 
firm (2-3 attorneys), I am strongly in favor of such a proposal. 
Although I still personally prefer reading the cases in book format, 
I cannot afford that luxury. Perhaps large firms can still afford the 
cost of the books as well as the space to maintain them, but for solo 
and small firm practitioners, the electronic method of research is 
the only one that is financially feasible.

     Thank you for your attention to and consideration of this 

                                   Very truly yours,
                                   Lisa A. Runquist
                                   Runquist & Associates
                                   10821 Huston St., 
                                   North Hollywood, CA 91601
                                   (818) 760-8986
                                   fax (818) 760-8314


Subject: [Fwd: ABA Uniform Citation Proposal [62 Fed. Reg. 8037, 

Date: Thu, 13 Mar 1997 07:04:33 -0800

From: "Wade B. Perry, Jr." 


Subject: ABA Uniform Citation Proposal [62 Fed. Reg. 8037, 2/21/97]]

Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 22:36:18 -0800

From: "Wade B. Perry, Jr." 


     I am an attorney in a private practice firm of 25 attorneys in 
Mobile, Alabama. I have practiced law for 25 years in Alabama, 
including 3 years as an Assistant U.S. Attorn There are probably 10 
attorneys in my firm who are exceedingly computer literate and share 
my views set out hereinbelow.

     I favor the ABA proposal for a number of reasons. First and 
foremost, it is my firml held conviction that public access to public 
documents should not be impeded in any In an age of electronic 
publishing, when the internet is growing geometrically, this means 
nothing less than making available instantaneous public access to 
court decisi via the internet and in a form requiring a minimum of 
user investment and a minimum utilization of paper resources. More 
fundamentally, this opinion grows out of a view that the free 
interchange of ideas is a paramount value in any age, and in a 
technologically advanced age, it calls for measures of the sort I 
advocate here.

     Moreover, while as a lawyer I suppose I have a vested interest 
in keeping this "powe of access to court decisions away from the 
general public so as to best protect the value of my law license, I 
believe we all benefit by the mass availability of this m fundamental 
tool of our trade. Members of the general public who vote for and 
elect state court judges as we do in Alabama ought to be able without 
undue obstacles to b able to search and review the written product of 
the candidate.

     Finally, even for a lawyer the economics of the matter cry out 
for a solution. Next rent (which includes the cost of space for 
library materials), the library is the largest expenditure in our 
firm's annual budget. With the advent of desktop computer our firm 
and CD ROM capability, a trip to the firm library is fast becoming a 
thing the past. The cost of West published CD ROM opinions is 
considerable, and even more expensive is the cost of computerized on-
line access to recent opinions not yet available in CD ROM format. 
Why not make available these opinions instantaneously in electronic 
form, with the rudimentary, yet functional, indexing scheme suggested 
in ABA proposal?

     I respectfully urge the adoption of a free public domain system 
of the type proposed the ABA plan referenced above.

                         Wade B. Perry, Jr.
                            P.O. Box 1988
                          Mobile, AL 36633
                  Phone: (334) 441-9238 or 432-7682
                            Fax: 432-2800


Subject: Public Domain Citation Proposal

Date: Fri, 14 Mar 1997 11:01:02 -0500 (EST)



Dear Sir/Madam:

     I am writing in support of the ABA's public domain citation 

     As a small firm attorney, I must constantly keep my eye on the 
costs of maintaining a law office library. I have long looked at 
electronic research as a means for reducing my costs (and those of my 

     If I can use electronic research, I can save a great deal of 
time, a saving that is passed along to clients. This is especially 
true of materials that I DO NOT have in my library, and which I must 
travel considerable distances to locate in a law library.

      A uniform method of public domain citation is useful not only 
to enable those of us in small firms to save time and money for 
research, but it will also greatly help lawyers and judges who are 
READING briefs.

     Instead of pulling out a book, locating the page, and then 
searching (sometimes in vain!) for the particular paragraph or 
sentence cited, imagine the ease with which one could find the 
referenced material if one could simply type the citation into the 
computer and be brought immediately to the precise location in the 

     It is easy to understand why publishers would oppose the ABA's 
proposal. I cannot, however, fathom why any lawyer or judge would 
oppose it. The practice of law; the art of judging, and the public 
interest would all be served.

                                   Very truly yours,
                                   Joanne C. Fray
                                   Law Offices of Joanne C. Fray
                                   1620 Massachusetts Avenue
                                   Lexington, MA 02173
                                   (617) 861 7195
                                   fax (617) 861 6580


Subject: Comments on ABA proposal for public domain citation

Date: Fri, 14 Mar 1997 14:53:16 -0600

From: "James Y. Bryce" 



To: The United States Judicial Conference

     BACKGROUND: The American Bar Association has proposed that 
citation to legal authority be through a system designed for computer 
storage, search, and retrieval. The ABA has also proposed that such 
system be clearly divorced from any means of citation that may be 
alleged to be the intellectual property of any commercial entity.

     STANDING: As a member of the Texas bar for twenty-seven years, 
as a member of the United States Supreme Court bar for twenty-four 
years, and as a recognized authority on computer communication 
systems, I strongly support the position of the ABA.

     Years ago while I was in law school I found it ludicrous that 
our courts would allow a single commercial entity to effectively own 
public information. In recent times I have even found clerks of court 
asserting that opinions would not be released to the public over the 
Internet until several days after they were provided to commercial 

     OPINION: In my opinion this view of ownership in public 
information is not only unethical and wrong, it is illegal. I also 
consider the assertion by a commercial entity that a volume and page 
number system is protected by intellectual property law flies in the 
face of the legal, ethical, and academic requirement to cite all my 
sources. In fact, to fail to so cite may give rise to allegations of 
plagiarism and even fraud. Now it appears that opponents will assert 
citations, tabular cross references, and searching methods will 
violate their rights.

     Members of the Judicial Conference, that dog won't hunt.

     REQUESTS: I request that the United States Judicial Conference 
act in support of the American Bar Association and establish a public 
domain citation system structured to integrate well into modern 
computing and communications systems.

     I also request that the United States Judicial Conference act to 
oppose any and all attempts by any and all entities, commercial or 
otherwise, to assert intellectual property rights in means of 
citation that would restrict, tax, charge fees for, or otherwise 
increase the burden of use for any and all court, regulatory, 
legislative, or other public documents.

     I stand ready to offer the services of my knowledge and 
experience in these matters.

                                   James Y. Bryce
                                   Attorney at Law

                           JAMES Y. BRYCE                          
                         ISDN  512 377-4225
                     6103 Shoal Creek Boulevard              
                      Austin, Texas 78757-3129                
                          FAX 512 454-4060
                         Voice 512 454-6788



Author "Special Edition, Using ISDN" (Que 1995 0-7897-0405-6)
Second Edition (Que 1996 ISBN 0-7897-0843-4) "La Grande Guida ISDN"