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Department of Justice Comments to the U.S. Judicial Comments Re Citation: March 14, 1997

Notice of Opportunity To Comment On The 	) 
American Bar Association Citation Resolution	) 
Joel I. Klein 
Acting Assistant Attorney General 			 
Antitrust Division 
Communications with respect to this document should be 
addressed to: 
Rebecca P. Dick 
Deputy Director of Operations   
Christopher J. Kelly 
Senior Counsel for Intellectual Property 
Frances E. Marshall 
Special Assistant 
Antitrust Division 
U.S. Department of Justice 
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. 
Room 3208 
Washington, D.C. 20530 
March 14 , 1997 
	Comments of the United States Department of Justice 
1.	            As the American Bar Association Special 
Committee on Citation Issues has stated, "continued growth 
of electronic publication of case reports is certain."1  
Equally certain, however, is that today's standard system of 
citation impedes the growth of electronic publication of 
case law and competition generally among publishers of 
American case law.  By adopting the ABA's recommended 
citation form, the federal courts would eliminate this 
barrier, fostering increased competition among case law 
publishers and leading to swifter and less costly access to 
case law for attorneys and their clients.  Because the 
competitive benefits from use of the recommended citation 
form should substantially outweigh the costs it imposes, the 
United States Department of Justice recommends that the 
federal courts adopt the ABA's recommended citation form. 
2.		The Department of Justice has several interests in 
this matter.  As an enforcer of our Nation's antitrust laws, 
the Department has a strong interest in encouraging 
competition in the provision of case law materials in order 
to encourage the development of better products and service 
at lower prices.  As an advocate for equal justice under 
law, the Department seeks access for all citizens to our 
legal system; higher costs for legal representation and 
related services, including legal research, diminish that 
access for some.  In addition, as the Nation's largest law 
firm, the Department is itself a consumer of case law 
research products, with a strong interest in obtaining 
swift, comprehensive and accurate access to judicial 
opinions at the lowest possible price to its client, the 
American people. 
3.		As the ABA Report notes, the advent of 
computerization and high-speed data transmission makes swift 
and accurate access to judicial opinions feasible in a way 
that was unimaginable 25 years ago.  Now, rather than 
waiting for printed copies of opinions to arrive via a case 
reporter such as West Publishing Company's Federal Reporter 
or a topical developments service like United States Law 
Week, practitioners and other citizens can read opinions 
within hours of issuance.  Case law publishers can assemble 
collections of decisions based on whatever criteria they 
think the market might demand and present them to users 
either on-line or on CD-ROM.  Users then can choose between 
comprehensive case law collections or ones that more 
narrowly target their substantive or geographic interest; 
either way, they can do so without filling the bookshelves 
that printed case reports would require.  Today, as the ABA 
Report points out, a lawyer can carry the equivalent of a 
library in her briefcase.2 
4.		These gains, however, will not be fully realized 
if electronic media remain subject to an archaic citation 
system that penalizes their use.  For all its virtues, that 
is what the current citation system does.  By keying on a 
particular publisher and by identifying the location of 
cited text on the basis of that publisher's layout of a 
printed book, the current system unnecessarily hampers the 
usage of other publishers' electronic products in two ways.  
The chosen publisher enjoys a special advantage and the 
entire system is founded on a type of textual division that 
is undesirable in electronic media. 
5.		Under the current rules of practice in most state 
and federal courts, a practitioner ordinarily must cite a 
case by indicating its physical location in a particular 
series of printed, bound case reports.  That series is, with 
only a few exceptions, West's National Reporter System.3 
6.		Consequently, to have a useable case law product, 
a case law publisher other than West itself must be able to 
indicate to the reader where each case it publishes may be 
found in West's printed system -- and not only the first 
page of each case, but each portion of it, so that the 
reader may employ pinpoint citation to the particular part 
of the case relevant to his analysis.  Publishers other than 
West can convey this information only through star 
pagination, the placement of symbols in the text of 
decisions indicating where pages end and begin in the 
corresponding West volume. 
7.		West, however, contends that star pagination to 
its system infringes its copyrights by copying the 
"arrangement" of those volumes.   And, until it agreed with 
the Department recently in an antitrust consent decree to 
license the right to star paginate to its reporters,4 West 
had only licensed star pagination to be used by the one 
other major on-line case law provider, Lexis, and one other 
print publisher (in its Virgin Islands reporter).  Moreover 
West, as the monopoly licensor of an essential input into 
these firms' products, was in a position to set a floor on 
their prices.  Thus West, as virtually the only publisher of 
printed case reports capable of satisfying practitioners' 
need to utilize  the current citation system, has been able 
to dictate the amount and price level of competition in the 
market for case law products and services. 
8.		Whether star pagination infringes West's copyright 
is in litigation in two circuits.  The U.S. District Court 
for the Southern District of New York rejected West's claim, 
granting summary judgment for one declaratory-judgment 
plaintiff and partial summary judgment for another.5  In the 
Eighth Circuit, a third publisher is appealing from a 
summary judgment in favor of West.6  The United States has 
filed amicus curiae briefs in both of these infringement 
cases, supporting the argument that star pagination does not 
infringe any valid West copyright. 
9.		If West prevails in this litigation, because of 
the recent Thomson-West consent decree, case law publishers 
will still be able to employ star pagination, by license at 
a royalty rate no higher than that specified in the decree. 
But they will be left at a distinct competitive 
disadvantage, and their costs will be significantly higher 
than they would be if the standard citation form were not 
based on one firm's proprietary product. 
10.	           Even if the plaintiffs prevail and may star 
paginate to West's reporters without having to pay a 
royalty,  star pagination is not costless.  It still entails 
the expense of accurately ascertaining where page breaks 
fall in West's volumes, and accurately incorporating that 
information in another product.  This process unnecessarily 
consumes resources which could be more efficiently employed 
to make a better or less costly product. 
11.		The additional cost of star pagination is 
particularly troublesome in connection with electronic case 
law products.  When published in electronic media, cases may 
be easily found by employing information intrinsic to the 
case, such as parties' names, the court, and the docket 
number; there is no need for extrinsic information, such as 
where a particular publisher has placed the case in its 
printed reports.  And page numbers, which vary with the 
format of a particular printed version, are wholly 
irrelevant to the electronic "location" of a case.  By 
incorporating star pagination, the new electronic products 
serve the existing citation system; instead the citation 
system should serve efficient access to cases within the new 
12.		Use of a media-neutral citation system loosens 
these restrictions on competition among case law providers.  
Increased competition is likely to reduce the cost of case 
law access to attorneys and their clients significantly.  
For example, before Louisiana introduced its vendor-neutral 
citation system,7 West offered its CD-ROM product there for 
$5400.  After the citation system's introduction, West's 
price fell to $2500 in response to another publisher's 
offering of a competing CD-ROM for $1500.8  As the current 
litigation over West's copyright assertions shows, there is 
no shortage of firms eager to compete in the provision of 
case law.  Adoption of the ABA's recommended citation system 
will eliminate a needless entry barrier, lower costs, and 
enable new firms to compete on the merits of their products. 
13.		Moreover, there is a special value to the federal 
courts' adoption of a uniform system.  Nationwide adoption 
will ensure uniformity among the courts, so that a citation 
permissible in the Southern District of New York may also be 
used in the Northern District of California.  A comparison 
of the citation systems of the Sixth Circuit and the state 
courts of Louisiana and South Dakota, each a sensible 
solution standing alone, suggests the confusion and 
compliance costs that would certainly arise if individual 
circuits or districts each adopted their own preferred 
media-neutral citation form, a distinct possibility absent 
action by the Judicial Conference. 
14.		In addition, the Judicial Conference is in an 
excellent position to lead the way for all the Nation's 
courts.  Its adoption of the ABA's recommended citation 
system will set an influential precedent for each state 
court system to adopt the same citation form, both to free 
competition among publishers of its case law and to ensure 
ease and compatibility for its state's attorneys when they 
practice in another jurisdiction. 
15.		The Department of Justice also supports the ABA's 
recommendation that, for some limited period of time, the 
federal courts "strongly encourage" parties to add parallel 
citations to "commonly used printed case reports."9  The 
move towards electronic publication of case law is 
evolutionary, the product of technological advance and 
consumer demand.  The purpose of a new citation system is to 
accommodate that change, not to mandate it.  Not to allow 
for a parallel citation to a commonly used printed report 
might indeed be a mandate.10  Many practitioners are still 
unfamiliar with electronic case law products and the 
computer technology on which they depend, or do not have 
ready access to them.  Use of a purportedly media-neutral 
citation system to force them into the electronic world 
would be inappropriate.  Moreover, the current citation 
system will not disappear in any case:  for practical 
reasons it will remain necessary for citation to cases 
predating the new system's adoption.  Eventually, the 
parallel citation may become less necessary to easily locate 
cases in printed volumes -- perhaps because print publishers 
will have developed some means, such as a cross-indexing, to 
guide researchers from a case's citation in the new format 
to its physical location in a printed volume.  Perhaps some 
adjustment, not now obvious, to the proposed citation format 
will reveal itself as a way of making the format usable for 
printed reports even without a cross-index.11  At that 
point, parallel citations no longer will be necessary to 
make the new format both convenient and truly media-neutral.  
In the meantime, though, the parallel citation suggestion 
will make the new citation truly media-neutral in the near 
term.  It is a realistic way to ensure that the new citation 
system is a benefit, not a punishment. 
16.		The cost of compliance with the ABA's recommended 
system will be small for litigants, including the Department 
of Justice.  The information that the citation comprises 
will be easily found in any copy of an opinion a court 
issues, and its arrangement is straightforward.  The 
retraining required for attorneys, secretaries, and 
paralegals will be minimal.  The Department of Justice 
commits promptly to implement and promote the proposed 
citation system if it is adopted, and will take every 
opportunity to employ it in other fora so that it may become 
truly universal. 
17.		The burden of facilitating the proposed citation 
system would fall on the courts themselves, since they would 
be responsible for numbering paragraphs and assigning 
sequential opinion numbers.  Were opinions still produced on 
typewriters, paragraph numbering could be a source of delay 
and aggravation.  With word processing software, however, 
paragraphs can be numbered automatically, either while the 
document is being typed (as this one was) or after it is 
completed.  Both Canada12 and South Dakota13 seem to have 
employed paragraph numbering without significant expense.  
Sequential opinion numbers might appear more challenging, 
particularly in multi-division districts.  As the ABA Report 
notes, though, a simple computer hookup should accomplish 
this task inexpensively.14  While these burdens are real, 
they must be weighed against the benefits the courts too 
will enjoy as users of case law materials that will be 
disseminated more broadly, swiftly, and inexpensively. 
18.		If any party is likely to lose more than it gains 
from the adoption of a media-neutral citation system, it is 
the producers of products the current system favors.  It is 
axiomatic that the elimination of barriers to competition in 
any market makes the incumbent firms worse off as consumers 
exercise their newfound options to choose.  But the nature 
of competition is such that even those incumbents can thrive 
in the new market if they choose to adapt and produce 
products and services that consumers want.  Particularly 
since the ABA's parallel-citation provision creates a 
transitional period in which publishers of printed reports 
can decide how best to configure their products in a market 
which is no longer skewed in their favor, the proposed ABA 
citation system does them no injustice. 
19.		The Department of Justice urges the Judicial 
Conference to adopt and implement the ABA's proposed 
citation system.  This system will enable more firms to 
develop products and services to answer the demands of case 
law users for timeliness, ease of use, reliability, and low 
cost.  These benefits in turn will make the judicial system 
more efficient and access to justice more affordable for 
1  American Bar Association Special Committee on Citation 
Issues, Report concerning recommendation to ABA House of 
Delegates, May 23, 1996 (hereinafter "ABA Report"), 16.   
2  ABA Report at 15. 
3  Those exceptions are when the case is not published in 
West's system, either because it is too recent or because 
West has decided not to publish it.  In the former instance, 
the current system allows citation to on-line services such 
as Westlaw and Lexis, and reporter services such as BNA's 
United States Law Week.  The latter instance opens the way 
for citations to specialized reporters such as the United 
States Patent Quarterly and BNA's Trade Cases.  These 
services, however, are not comprehensive citation 
alternatives to the West system.   
4  See United States v. The Thomson Corp. & West Publishing 
Co., Civ. Action No. 96-1415 (PLF) (D.D.C., consent decree 
entered March 7, 1997) (resolving competitive concerns 
raised by West's acquisition by The Thomson Corporation).  
5  Matthew Bender & Co. and HyperLaw, Inc. v. West 
Publishing Co., No. 94 Civ. 0589 (JSM) (S.D.N.Y. November 
22, 1996)(bench ruling), appeal withdrawn, No. 96-9711 (2d 
Cir., March 4, 1997). [HyperLaw Note:  Judge Marting has 
since recertified his decision for appeal] 
6  Oasis Publishing Co. v. West Publishing Co., No. 96-2887 
(8th Cir., oral argument held March 10, 1997). 
7  See ABA Report at 48. 
8  West's product offers case law back to 1942, whereas the 
competitor's product provides case law only back to the 
1970s.  But for that difference, it is likely that the price 
of West's product would have decreased even further in 
response to the competition engendered by the adoption of 
the new citation system. 
9  ABA Resolution, 1.D.10While the proposed citation 
system, absent the parallel citation, is in theory media-
neutral, as to case reporters published under the existing 
citation system, its effect is different.  For example, 
without a parallel citation, the new citation system would 
offer little help in finding a case in the Federal Reporter, 
3d Series. 
11Somewhat more difficult to envision are the possibilities 
that print publishers of comprehensive case reports will be 
able to adapt their products to make a parallel citation 
unnecessary, or that demand for print-medium case reports 
will disappear entirely. 
12See ABA Report at 47. 
13See ABA Report at 49. 

14See ABA Report, Appendix A, at 16.