Subject: Attention: Joan Countryman. Date: Fri, 14 Mar 1997 10:16:19 +0000 From: Marsha Woodbury To: attention: Joan Countryman. Joan Countryman, Please accept our support of the ABA resolution on citations . . . In support of the American Bar Association's Resolution from Report No. 107 by Andy Oram, for Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR). CPSR is in favor of the American Bar Association's Resolution from Report No. 107 which proposes a universal citation system for court decisions. This simple, sequential numbering system is well- suited to modern publishing techniques that adapt to a variety of formats, and especially to electronic online display. Flexibility in publishing case reports, particularly online publication, is critical for making the law more accessible to the general public and organizations that contribute to democratic debate. Case reports, and citations of these reports, are a key element of government that should be quickly and freely available to all. Online publication, with a citation system such as proposed by the ABA, would allow easy cross-references such as links on the World Wide Web. Searches of large quantities of documents might also be made easier by tools based on this citation system. Were the new system put in place in an online format, not only would traditional users of these legal documents be able to cut costs and time dramatically, but new representatives of the public interest who were previously unable to participate closely in legal debates would now be able to join. Thus, in the interests of modernizing the citation system and supporting wider democracy, we urge you to adopt the ABA proposal. CPSR is a public-interest alliance of computer scientists and others interested in the impact of computer technology on society. CPSR attempts to direct public attention to difficult choices concerning the applications of computing and how those choices affect society. CPSR P.O. Box 717 Palo Alto, CA 94302 Phone: (415)322-3778 Fax: (415)322-4748 Marsha Woodbury, Ph.D. Director of Information Technology Graduate School of Library and Information Science UIUC Chair, CPSR woodbury/ Work: 217-244-4643 FAX: 217-244-3302