UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT Eastern District of Virginia Alexandria, Virginia 22314-5799 March 10, 1997 Appellate Court and Circuit Administration Division ATTN: ABA Citation Resolution Suite 4-512 Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts Washington, DC 20544 Dear Ms. Countryman: My initial response to the questionnaire concerning the ABA Resolution on Citations was simply to answer "no" to each of the questions posed and further to note that "[T]hese proposals are unnecessary, fail any cost/benefit analysis and are likely unenforceable. The ABA should stay out of interfering with judge's work." To that, I wish to add that I support the views expressed by Judge Brinkema in her thoughtful letter of March 5, 1997. As a matter of principle, neither the ABA nor any other external organization has any business setting standards for judicial opinions, however innocuous the proposed standards may appear. Sincerely T.S. Ellis, III United States District Judge